The Mail on Sunday




1 Rounded stones used for paving (7) 5 Low-growing plant with clusters of small, blue flowers (6-2-3) 10 A single oar moved from side to side over the stern of a boat to propel it (5) 11 – – – Hill, English social reformer and one of the three founders of the National Trust (7) 13 Self-catering holiday cottages available to rent in France (5) 14 A dungeon, the only entrance to which is through a trapdoor in the ceiling (9) 15 The process of taking in food and using it to support health (9) 16 A wooden or woodensole­d shoe (4) 17 Measuremen­ts from an experiment (12) 20 Another term for an abominable snowman (4) 21 To break down physically and chemically, rot (9) 22 A brittle, bluish-white, metallic element used in several alloys (4) 26 Polish-British writer whose works include the novella Heart Of Darkness (6,6) 27 In the Old Testament, a bird sent out by Noah to assess water levels after the Flood (4) 29 Devices which control the quantity of fuel entering engines (9)

31 The legendary magic sword of King Arthur (9) 33 – – – Inc., technology company founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in 1976 (5) 34 Graeme – – –, Scottish footballer who won five League Championsh­ips and three European Cups with Liverpool (7) 35 Blaenau – – –, a county borough of South East Wales (5) 36 Plant with spikes of yellowish-green flowers, known since Neolithic times as the source of a yellow colouring called weld (5,6) 37 The longest river in China (7)


1 A large flightless bird with a head ‘casque’, inhabiting forests in North East Australia, New Guinea and adjacent islands (9) 2 Promotiona­l descriptio­n on the jacket of a book (5) 3 A boiled sweet or toffee stuck on a small wooden stick (8) 4 Small, weasel-like mammals with brown coats and black-tipped tails (6) 5 Fictional detective priest created by G. K. Chesterton (6,5) 6 The – – –, narrative poem by Edgar Allen Poe (5) 7 René – – –, Belgian surrealist artist whose works include The Son Of Man (8)

8 A colourless gas with the formula NO that can be generated by lightning (6,5) 9 Infusions of dried or fresh leaves or flowers (7) 12 Policy of taking direct, often militant, action to achieve change (8) 16 A sudden, extensive or notable disaster or misfortune (11) 18 A prepared position for the siting of a gun or other weapon (11) 19 In classical mythology, a hero noted for his great strength and courage and for the performanc­e of 12 immense labours (8) 23 Short, tightly-rolled cylinder of tobacco wrapped in thin paper (9) 24 Descriptiv­e words or phrases added to, or substitute­d for, a person’s name (8) 25 A rough, lawless young person (8) 26 Northern European peninsula, scene of a major naval battle between British and German fleets in 1916 (7) 28 Sean – – –, Irish dramatist and socialist whose works include Juno And The Paycock (6) 30 – – – Anansie, Britrock band formed in 1994 (5) 32 David – – –: Life On The Road, 2016 mocumentar­y directed by and starring Ricky Gervais (5)

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