The Mail on Sunday

I was paid £45,000 to do an ad for deodorant on TV …it was no sweat!

Star earned deposit for a home in one day

- Donna Ferguson

WHEN TV presenter Scarlette Douglas was offered a two-second part in a Sure deodorant advert, she expected to be paid £500. Instead, she received £45,000 for a single day’s work – a sum she was able to put down as a deposit on a new house.

The savvy 32-year-old property investor, who presents A Place In The Sun on Channel 4, now owns a couple of buy-tolet properties and is considerin­g buying her very own place in the sun in Valencia, Spain. Her new show, Last Minute Holiday Secrets Unpacked, can be downloaded via Channel 4.

Q What did your parents teach you about money?

A TO WORK hard for it. Money was tight when I was growing up. In the 1980s, my dad founded WNK, the country’s first legal black radio station. But it unfortunat­ely went bust in 1993 and he lost a lot of money.

After that, my parents struggled. My father worked crazy hours as a chauffeur while my mother worked in a call centre and as a cleaner to pay the bills.

My parents showed me that if I wanted to become successful, I would have to work hard. They made me realise money and success isn’t given to you.

Q What was the first paid work you ever did?

A PRETENDING to be ‘ baby bear’ at a Teddy Bears’ Picnic held at my local park. It was summer, I was 12 and I got paid £50 to dress up in a bear costume and spend all day at the picnic. It was the best job ever.

Q Have you ever struggled to make ends meet?

A NO, never. My parents made sacrifices so that I did not have to struggle. They remortgage­d their home to pay for me to go to a performing arts college as a teenager. I then got a job in musical theatre. I have been lucky because from then on I have never been out of work.

Q Have you ever been paid silly money?

A YES – in 2015 when I did a commercial for Sure deodorant. In it, I’m pretending to be in the gym doing weights. My part only lasts two seconds, if that. If you blink, you miss me.

The payment was £500 for one day of filming. I was told I would also get another £3,000 if the advert was broadcast in the first few months after filming, but initially Sure decided not to show it at all.

Then, six months later, the company changed its mind. So my agent negotiated a fee of £14,000. Then, another six months later, it wanted to run it again and my agent negotiated another £30,000.

In total, I was paid almost £45,000. I still cannot believe I earned that much for a day’s work. I used it to put down a deposit on a house.

Q What was the best year of your financial life?

A IT would have been 2015. As well as the Sure commercial, I also started presenting A Place In The Sun. I ended up making more than £100,000.

Q What is the most expensive thing you bought for fun?

A IT was an eight-day holiday to Barbados and Miami for £3,500. I go abroad a lot for A Place In The Sun, but I don’t really get a chance to switch off so holidays are important and I love travelling.

Q The best money decision you have made?

A INVESTING in property with my elder brother. You cannot get a job presenting A Place In The Sun unless you have expertise in property.

My best investment was the first property we bought. It was a rundown one-bedroom apartment in Barnet, North London. We bought it for £195,000 in 2012, spent £30,000 renovating it and sold it eight months later for £265,000.

Q What is your biggest money mistake?

A INVESTING in a musical that my friend produced. I wanted to support him so I gave him £5,000. Unfortunat­ely, it flopped and I didn’t get back any of my money.

Q Do you save into a pension?

A NO, I do not and I am not planning to start one any time soon. I am hoping property will be my pension. I own two buy-to-let properties – one in Surrey and one in Enfield, North London – and am planning to buy more.

I have seen my parents work hard for years for a small pension, plus they have to pay tax on top. I would rather invest the money in bricks and mortar. I think that is safer. Even if t he property market crashes, it is always going to go back up.

Q Do you own any other property?

A NO, I do not. When I am in the UK I live with my parents. I am travelling abroad usually twice a month so it makes sense to stay with them. I am considerin­g buying my own place in the sun though. My mother and I are looking at buying together in Valencia, Spain. The great thing about my job is that you learn what is happening in property markets abroad.

Valencia is definitely the place to buy at the moment. Over the past few years, property prices there have gone up about 30 per cent.

There are beautiful old houses in little fishing villages on the coast that people are buying and renovating. That is where I think people should invest.

Q What is the one little luxury you treat yourself to?

A I LIKE a body scrub massage from a local masseur. I get a 20-minute scrub and then a fullbody massage. It costs £ 65 an hour. Q If you were Chancellor, what is the first thing you would do? A I WOULD levy a special income tax on footballer­s who earn ridiculous amounts of money and use the cash generated to provide more funding for the NHS. I think we need more medical staff, especially doctors. I wanted to see my GP recently and had to call the clinic 120 times on two different phones before I got through. I would also build more accident and emergency department­s. They closed down my local one recently.

Q Do you invest directly in the stock market?

A NO, because I am not clued up enough. I would not even know where to start.

Q Do you donate money to charity?

A YES, I do. I am an ambassador for Action On Hearing Loss and a supporter of the Royal Associatio­n for Deaf People. Those charities are close to my heart because of the work they do with the deaf community.

I have been studying sign language for three years. I became interested in learning it after I took part in a beauty pageant at age 18.

There was a deaf girl there who everyone else ignored. I stayed with her and managed to communicat­e through gesturing. I decided then and there to learn sign language. I never want to see another person ostracised because of a disability.

Q What is your No 1 financial priority?

A TO make as much money as possible so I can send my mum and dad on beautiful holidays. My parents have done so much for me over the years, but they haven’t travelled as much as they would like to.

So, whenever I am away filming and they are free to come and see me, I try to pay for their hotel and flights.

I want to give them the amazing experience­s they sacrificed while I was growing up.

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 ??  ?? TIP: Scarlette Douglas is considerin­g buying her own place in the sun in Valencia
TIP: Scarlette Douglas is considerin­g buying her own place in the sun in Valencia

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