The Mail on Sunday



LIKE many young women who suffer from stomach cramps, Kelly Cletheroe looked online for answers to her problem.

And suggestion­s were plentiful. Internet search results encouraged her to try a ‘plantbased’ diet, go gluten-free, start the day with a ‘cleansing’ green juice and swap fatty dairy for healthy almond milk.

But far from solving her problems, they seemed to get worse.

Kelly says: ‘Suddenly I found myself running to toilets and spending whole evenings with an uncomforta­bly bloated stomach.’ Eventually the symptoms became so unbearable that Kelly visited her GP, who diagnosed her with IBS – and gave her some vague recommenda­tions about trying to identify trigger foods, then avoid them. Kelly, 24, a trainee lawyer, says: ‘The websites I read told me that the pain and bloating was just part of the detoxing process, and that if I stuck to it, it’d get better. So the dried berries, plantmilks and vegetable bowls continued.’ But then, twoand-a-half years ago, she came across a slew of online articles debunking the supposed health benefits of her beloved ‘cleaneatin­g’ diet. Gradually she began to reintroduc­e previously banned food. ‘As my diet returned to normal, and I started eating regular supermarke­t bread, drinking cow’s milk and stopped the piles and piles of vegetables, my digestion improved,’ she recalls.

‘The 20-ingredient smoothies, massive raw salads, and heaping porridge bowls were replaced with food such as simple soups, slices of toast and natural yogurt. My IBS symptoms dramatical­ly reduced over a matter of months.’

Even the worst trigger foods don’t seem to upset her as much as they used to.

‘I still get my five-a-day and enjoy some grains and pulses.

‘But I no longer cram in as many “healthful” ingredient­s or fruits and vegetables as is humanly possible.

‘When I keep my diet simple, I feel my best.’

 ??  ?? KEEPING IT SIMPLE: Kelly Cletheroe
KEEPING IT SIMPLE: Kelly Cletheroe

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