The Mail on Sunday

Laurence right to hit out at the woke brigade


Actor Laurence Fox was right to take issue with a member of the BBC’s Question Time audience. He was referred to as a ‘white privileged male’ after he denied that the Duchess of Sussex had been a victim of racism.

As a white non-privileged male, I am tired of hearing remarks of this nature from the woke brigade aimed at my skin colour and gender.

These people need to learn that their uncalled-for comments are offensive to the vast majority of people in this country, who, irrespecti­ve of ethnicity, wish to live together in harmony in a post-racial society. Ted Shorter,

Hildenboro­ugh, Kent

On Question Time, Laurence was accused of being a white privileged male and, presumably, therefore in no position to comment on the Duchess’s situation, or the racism she has allegedly suffered. But Prince Harry is also a white male and (very) privileged. Does that mean that he knows nothing about the subject either, and shouldn’t presume to comment?

K. Bennett, Fowey, Cornwall

Alongside your report last week about Laurence, Dan Hodges wrote that he had been branded a racist for simply asking a question. This is standard fare today and accusation­s of racism about anything are here to stay. It’s no good being white or Christian these days – nobody is going to stick up for you.

T. Sayers, Spilsby, Lincolnshi­re

Laurence received a lot of criticism but I hope his Question Time appearance encourages more celebritie­s to speak their minds and stop trying to come across as holier-than-thou, socialjust­ice warriors. At the moment, it appears 95 per cent of actors, TV presenters and sports stars are all singing from the same politicall­y correct hymn sheet.

While very few people want a return to 1960s attitudes, many of us want to be free to speak our minds without being accused of something.

If you suggest that a black man who self-identifies as a white lesbian isn’t white, a woman or a lesbian, you’ll be labelled a racist and transphobi­c. Nowadays, trying to know what to say in some situations can be like walking on eggshells. Alan Aitchison, Wakefield

Pop star Lily Allen attacked Laurence, saying she was ‘sick to death of luvvies’ forcing their opinions on others. Why do the words pot, kettle and black spring to mind? Brian Mooney, Walmer, Kent

Congratula­tions to Laurence for expressing the view of the majority. Meghan was stifled by Royal life and jumped ship. Mike Liddel-Taylor,

Notting Hill, West London

I suggest that the BBC ought to have a programme called ‘Answer Time’. In this new format, an audience would proffer answers to issues of the day and have their views analysed by a panel.

David Burrell, Liverpool

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