The Mail on Sunday

My German lager peace offer, by Brexiteer beer baron

No dry January for Wetherspoo­n’s Brexiteer boss...


TIM MARTIN can barely disguise his horror at the thought of giving up drinking for an entire month. And certainly not this month, that’s for sure. I only have to mention the words ‘ Dry January’ and the Brexiteer business tycoon is having none of it. ‘Each to their own,’ the JD Wetherspoo­n founder and chairman says. ‘It’s a bit radical for me.’

In fact, Martin is immensely looking forward to a tipple on Friday, when he will toast Britain’s exit from the EU with a pub crawl of ‘five or six’ of his chain’s Central London pubs.

Suitably refreshed, he will then speak at an evening Parliament Square rally organised by Brexit Party chairman Richard Tice.

His 870 Wetherspoo­n pubs across the UK and Ireland will cut the price of ten drinks – including Spain’s Estrella Galicia and a bottle of German lager Beck’s for as little as £1.49 – to help Brexit supporters celebrate and Remainers drown their sorrows.

‘How do you come up with a celebratio­n for a divided country?’ ponders Martin, who has ambitiousl­y called his Brexit- themed drinks promotion ‘Let’s Stay Friends’. ‘It’ll take more than a few drinks in Wetherspoo­ns to unite Remainers and Brexiteers,’ he concedes. ‘But since we selected some drinks of EU origin, at least it’s a gesture.’

Martin, 64, is the City’s most outspoken critic of the EU and has donated £224,000 to the Brexit Party. Only last week, he told the CBI and the Food and Drink Federation trade bodies to ‘take a wise-up pill’ and accept the result of the referendum as he blasted them for ‘doubling down on Project Fear stories’ about job losses and rising food prices after Brexit day on January 31.

He’s speaking to the MoS from holiday, where he is enjoying balmy 25- degree temperatur­es. But being away from Britain hasn’t diverted his attention from Brexit, which he is convinced will be a ‘massive boost for Britain’s economy’ in spite of what the doom-mongers proclaim.

Giving just one example, he expects leaving the EU to boost profits at his FTSE 250-listed pubs chain because the Government will be able to eliminate the ‘incomprehe­nsible’ tariffs on around 13,000 imports, including food and drink products sold by Wetherspoo­ns such as its New Zealand Chardonnay.

Martin also hopes Brexit will help revitalise the UK’s coastal towns, which will in turn boost Wetherspoo­n’s seaside watering holes such as the Royal Victoria Pavilion in Ramsgate, Kent. ‘Coastal communitie­s will benefit from regaining control of fishing waters,’ Martin says. ‘The more prosperous communitie­s are, the better pubs will do.’

Martin donated £50,000 to Boris Johnson’s Election campaign, when the Tories pledged to keep pubs open in neglected towns and villages outside London. He says Boris is ‘ right to be concerned about pub closures’. But the real threat hanging over the pub trade is the tax inequality between pubs and supermarke­ts, he says, which has meant supermarke­ts have been able to undercut pub prices ‘by a tremendous amount’.

Pubs pay 20 per cent VAT on food sales and the equivalent of 20p per pint in business rates, while grocers pay zero VAT on food and business rates of 2p per pint. ‘If people want pubs to survive, particular­ly in small towns, there has to be tax equality or they’ll just get clobbered by supermarke­ts,’ Martin says. ‘ The principle of tax is, it should be fair.’

Martin met Johnson during his leadership campaign and reports that the Prime Minister ‘ does a good act of being a semi-comedian but is actually quite a hard worker’. The same could be said of Martin, a trained barrister who was called to the Bar in 1979 but jokes that he quit law to make his £560 million fortune propping up the bar instead. Beneath the Brexit bluster and pub banter is the shrewd founder of a £1.6 billion pub and hotels group whose shares have gone up around 300 per cent over the past decade.

JD Wetherspoo­n’s sales for the year to July 26 are forecast to rise to £1.9 billion, up from £1.8 billion, with pre-tax profits broadly flat at around £100 million.

Asked why Wetherspoo­ns has succeeded in such a tough market, Martin quotes business guru Julian Richer, who recommends the Japanese principle of ‘kaizen’, or cont i nuous i mprovement. He has focused on being something to everyone and is proud that his pubs

‘If people want pubs to survive tax must be fair’

can appeal to City stockbroke­rs, students, pensioners and families with children at the same time.

Each week, Martin invites around 20 Wetherspoo­ns managers to a meeting in Watford to discuss ideas for improving the business that are ‘from the shop floor, rather than the board’.

He also visits around 15 Wetherspoo­ns pubs each week – he spent Christmas Day at two of his Devon pubs – and incentivis­es staff by paying out half the company’s posttax profits as a monthly bonus. Last year, his 40,000 employees split a bonus pot of around £50 million.

He has also handed free shares in the company to around 10,000 staff since he founded Wetherspoo­ns 41 years ago, and pays pub staff on average ten per cent more than the minimum wage.

In the 1980s, after ‘about three pints of Adnams Broadside’, Martin decided his pubs should have ‘ Moon’ in the title – The Moon Under Water (named after George Orwell’s vision of the ideal pub), The Harvest Moon, The Moon And Sixpence, and so on. ‘That was too much moon branding for some people,’ he says with a chuckle.

Since then, all his pubs have been given individual names, their own interior design and their own distinctiv­e patterned carpets, which inspired a tribute Tumblr blog. Many Wetherspoo­ns are in historic buildings and the group will spend £80 million this year on buying new pubs and extending existing ones.

‘A lot of people in the pub industry have tried to create what the Americans call a cookie-cutter – it’s a Litten Tree or a Bar Med or a Barracuda,’ Martin says. ‘But we have understood pubs aren’t a brand. That has given our pubs a bit of soul; they fit with their local area.’

With one exception. Martin admits The Hope and Champion in the Beaconsfie­ld service station by the M40 – controvers­ially Britain’s first motorway pub when it opened in 2014 – is struggling. ‘It hasn’t been a great success, but we’re trying to make it work,’ says Martin. Dropping his usual swagger, he admits: ‘We still get a lot of things wrong.’

On Friday night, with the Abbot Ale flowing, Martin could be forgiven for being a little less selfdeprec­ating about something he believes 17.4 million of his fellow Britons got absolutely right.

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 ??  ?? TONIC: Wetherspoo­ns founder Tim Martin is convinced that Brexit will provide a massive boost to Britain’s economy despite what the doom-mongers proclaim
TONIC: Wetherspoo­ns founder Tim Martin is convinced that Brexit will provide a massive boost to Britain’s economy despite what the doom-mongers proclaim
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