The Mail on Sunday



SCIENTISTS are investigat­ing whether Fitbits, phones and smart watches could soon be used to pick up subtle signs of dementia years before symptoms show.

It is currently diagnosed using memory tests and brain scans, but only once symptoms have appeared. Also, many trials of treatments fail because they are tested on people whose disease is too far advanced, after they have suffered significan­t damage to their brain. Experts hope by picking it up earlier, measures could be taken to prevent decline.

Researcher­s are now testing whether the gadgets could be used to analyse the owner’s behaviour, such as their sleep and speech patterns and walking gait, and that if certain things start to change in tiny ways the user could not possibly notice themselves it may be a sign they are at risk of developing dementia.

The landmark study, called Early Detection of Neurodegen­erative Diseases (EDoN), will analyse these normally impercepti­ble changes – such as how quickly people type text messages and emails – among those who then go on to develop dementia.

Professor Carol Routledge, director of research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, who is spearheadi­ng the project, said: ‘The stage you want to detect these diseases is ten or even 20 years earlier than we do today, before it’s too late. If we could, with these new and emerging technologi­es, we could intervene with lifestyle advice, or therapeuti­c drugs.’

Last week, a major study suggested a blood test could be used to spot Alzheimer’s, the most common type of dementia, years before symptoms start. The test looks for traces of tell-tale proteins in the blood that might indicate a person is at risk.

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