The Mail on Sunday

Yes, the NHS beds crisis does sound familiar


READ this news report: ‘Many A& E units have been severely overcrowde­d in recent days, with patients lying in corridor sand ambulance s queuing outside.

‘ Hospitals have already been forced to cancel tens of thousands of operations and NHS chiefs fear things will only get worse…

On Tuesday, hospit al s were ordered to cancel up to 55,000 non- urgent operations and put patients in mixed-sex wards to create more room.’

Sound familiar? But actually it’s three years old, from the Daily Mail of January 6, 2018, under the headline ‘ Now the NHS tells us: Don’t get ill.’

If you look back into the archives of any newspaper or TV news station, you will discover that the NHS has a ‘winter crisis’ thanks to overloaded intensive ca rewards, year after year.

But nobody ever thought before that this could be solved by strangling the country and forbidding grandparen­ts to hug their grandchild­ren.

I do not doubt that our intensive care units are overloaded now.

But it is odd, since this was so foreseeabl­e, that the huge new Nightingal­e Hospitals have been so little used to deal with this.

Why were they built at huge expense, if not for this moment?

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