The Mail on Sunday



I received a beautiful Q bouquet that included a stem belonging to a purpleleav­ed plant. The shop that delivered it said it was a type of fig. What do you think? Anita Corfield

It’s actually a type of A Cordyline fruticosa, a frostsensi­tive plant that originates from New Guinea and other

Pacific islands. It’s probably a variety called ‘Purple Compacta’ and is best grown as a houseplant in the UK.


We have 16 Scots pine trees in our garden. What

do you suggest we grow underneath them?

Christine Doyle

The area under pine trees is A pretty inhospitab­le for plants. Apart from being shady, the soil tends to be dry and lacking in nutrients. However, among plants worth trying are

Cyclamen hederifoli­um, dog’s tooth violet and epimedium.

My garden has been Q plagued by whitefly. Every time I disturb a plant, the insects appear and it takes all the pleasure out of gardening. How can I get rid of them? Sylvia Wilding

In spring, catch them by A

attaching weatherpro­of yellow sticky traps to plants and spray under leaves with an organic pesticide, repeating the process as advised by the manufactur­er. If you grow vegetables, cover with insectproo­f mesh and lure them away from precious specimens with martyr plants, such as French marigolds and basil.

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