The Mail on Sunday

My wife says women only find me hot when they’re drunk!



The blame game has been raging furiously since my sudden departure from Good Morning Britain. But the real culprit may be Dylan Jones, long-time editor of GQ magazine.

Three t i mes, he’s given me awards. In 2003, I was GQ’s Newspaper Editor Of The Year for the e Daily Mirror’s campaign against the Iraq War; in 2013, I was GQ’s TV Personalit­y Of The Year for r my campaign at CNN against Amerrica’s insane gun culture; and last st December I got the same award, d, this time for my ‘unwavering interrr- rogation of the Government’s woeful ul response to the pandemic’.

Given that I’d lost both the Mirror or and CNN jobs within a few weeks ks of winning the GQ awards, I told ld Dylan I was extremely wary of accepting again when he told me I’d won another one, but he persuaded me lightning never strikes three times.

‘Obviously, my first thought was “BOOM!”, I wrote in this diary about the news, ‘and my second thought was, “Oh no, I really enjoy doing Good Morning Britain.” ’ The rest is history. The GQ curse has stuck again. Thanks Dylan.


I’ve come top of a ‘Most Popular Beer-Goggles Pin-up’ poll, beating Jeremy Clarkson, Boris Johnson and Simon Cowell. It revealed that 39 per cent of British women said they don’t find me remotely attractive when sober but do when they’ve had a few drinks. Initially, I was thrilled to win. But the more I thought about this ‘victory’, the less compliment­ary it felt.

‘What nonsense,’ I spluttered indignantl­y to my wife Celia. ‘I can’t believe women only find me hot when they’re drunk.’

‘No, it’s true,’ she replied. ‘I’m one of them.’


Most charities abandon scandal-hit celebrity supporters the moment the sh* t hits the fan, for fear of tarnishing their brand. But cat adoption charity The Moggery is standing resolutely by me.

Founder Christine Bayka announced I would remain a patron ‘as he hasn’t stood on any kittens’ heads or anything like that’.


My supremely virtuous f ormer breakfast TV show rival Dan ‘Halo’ Walker said about me today: ‘Underneath all the froth, I think there is a decent bloke fighting to get out.’

Ironically, I’ve always thought that underneath all Dan’s faux saintly froth, there’s a nasty piece of work fighting to get out.

And the one thing guaranteed to have him stamping on kittens is the knowledge that GMB finally overtook BBC Breakfast in the ratings, on his watch, on my last day.

‘For somebody who has gone on record saying they detest silver medals, five years in second place must hurt quite a bit,’ cocky Dan sneered to the Sunday Times in February. It did, yes. But fortunatel­y, Mr Walker, your poodlelike simpering with Government Ministers single-handedly gifted me the gold medal and cured the pain!


Many famous friends have solicitous­ly rallied around in my hour of jobless need, though some more self-interested­ly than others. ‘You better not go quietly into the night,’ begged Jack Whitehall. ‘I need someone to make jokes about!’

Sir Michael Parkinson was keen to gastronomi­cally exploit my newly freed- up schedule: ‘Looking forward to a lunch when we can trash “the woke generation” for doing you a favour.’

Holly Willoughby was more concerned about my blood pressure from all the GMB ranting.

‘Do you meditate?’ she asked. ‘No,’ ‘N I replied, ‘but I did drink a ginseng se latte today if you’re trying to woke wo me up?’ ‘ You need more t han t hat – do an online course to offset some of this th anger!’ Holly then sent me a link to one th that costs £ 249 for seven hours of meditation technique training livebroadc­asted to my home which would in include advice on ‘managing difficult situations’, ‘nailing interviews’ and ‘ making hangovers less horrible’. A And I’d even get my own personal meditation sound to repeat softly in my head! This would apparently all ensure I am ‘no longer ruled by my emotions’. Problem is that I can’t imagine anyr thing more boring than not being ruled by my emotions.


I’m 56 today, and due to Rule of Six being reintroduc­ed, I was able to celebrate my second lockdown birthday with a lovely family barbecue in the garden, on the hottest March day since I was three, with all of my four children.

It was a lot more fun than the very quiet affair last year at the height of the first coronaviru­s wave, not least because Amanda Holden sent me a Hugh Hefner smoking jacket and sailing cap with a bunny girl outfit for Celia.

But it also served as a stark reminder of how grim things were on March 30, 2020, especially for my stupendous­ly courageous and inspiring friend Kate Garraway.

That was the day her husband Derek was rushed to hospital with Covid, and he remains seriously ill.

I spoke to Kate at length when her i ncredibly powerful documentar­y about it all aired on ITV last week, and she told me she’s been reading Derek my book, Wake Up.

Never have I wished those words to be more prescient.


The art of a good April Fool’s Day joke is that it has to be credible enough for even supposedly intelligen­t people to fall for it.

My parents once woke their four young children at 5am and told us to run outside and jump on a drain in the middle of our garden to stop a water leak engulfing the house.

Incredibly, that’s exactly what we all did, to Mum and Dad’s hysterical amusement.

Less amused was my late grandmothe­r when I once called her in a fake Northern accent to say I was the police and we’d just arrested two of her grandsons for violent drunk and disorderly conduct on Brighton beach. She promptly burst into tears and begged for us to be released.

Today, I decided to have some fun with the Archbishop of Canterbury’s revelation that he married Meghan and Harry on the day of their televised wedding, not in secret three days earlier as Duchess Delusional claimed to Oprah Winfrey.

(Presumably, he must now either apologise for disbelievi­ng Meghan’s truth or lose his job – right?)

I t weeted: ‘ UPDATE: Foll owing t he Archbishop of Canterbury’s confirmat i o n that Meghan Markle was talking a l oad of old fl annel i n her Oprah i ntervi e w, ITV just offered me my GMB job back & I ’ ve deci ded t o a c c e pt . The nation’s prayers have been answered. See you Monday!’

I’ll spare the blushes of the gloriously large number of gullibles who fell for it, but they included a high-profile pandemic professor, a former Chancellor of t he Exchequer, a TV news anchor, one of Britain’s most successful CEOs, five major stars, and two of my drainbounc­ing siblings.

 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? HAPPY FAMILY: Piers Morgan enjoys a birthday barbecue with his daughter Elise and sons Bertie, Stanley and Spencer
HAPPY FAMILY: Piers Morgan enjoys a birthday barbecue with his daughter Elise and sons Bertie, Stanley and Spencer

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