The Mail on Sunday



There’s an amazing £1,500 prize for the first correct solution drawn at random in our general knowledge Prize Crossword. Entries must arrive by Friday, April 9 (photocopie­s not accepted). Today’s solution will appear next week and the winner’s name on Sunday, April 25. SEE BELOW THE GRID for details on how to enter.

Across 1 Characteri­stic of the countrysid­e or country life (7) 5 Journeys to shrines or other sacred places (11) 10 In ancient Roman religion, a deity or spirit presiding over a thing or place (5) 11 Terrestria­l or epiphytic plants often having flowers of unusual shapes and beautiful colours (7) 13 – – – day, a future time of need, especially financial (5) 14 French term for a hospital for the poor and needy run by the Catholic Church (5-4) 15 Archaic or literary term meaning a daring spirit or bold action (7-2) 16 A freshwater ornamental or food fish (4) 17 The former basic monetary unit of Germany, superseded in 2002 by the euro (8,4) 20 Immanuel – – –, 18th Century German philosophe­r who wrote the Critique Of Pure Reason (4) 21 The derived SI unit of radioactiv­ity, named after a French physicist (9) 22 A diagonal line or cut across the weave of a fabric (4) 26 Large, upright fairground rides with revolving, hanging seats (6,6) 27 A high, steep-fronted wave moving up a narrow estuary, caused by the tide (4)

29 Male horses used for breeding (9) 31 – – – Islands, a volcanic archipelag­o in the Pacific, West of Ecuador (9) 33 An apparatus or device for raising or lifting up (5) 34 To save or rescue goods or property from fire or shipwreck (7) 35 An individual bell, or the sound it makes when struck (5) 36 The long, green pods of a climbing perennial plant, eaten as a vegetable (6,5) 37 Seven – – –, common name for the star cluster Pleiades (7) Down 1 A criterion by which to measure something, standard or reference point (9) 2 A celestial body that travels around the sun, featuring a long, luminous tail (5) 3 A person who owns and leases property (8) 4 Frédéric – – –, Polish-born pianist and composer in the Romantic era, whose works include the Minute Waltz (6) 5 Visually pleasing, especially in being striking or vivid (11) 6 A landowner in Scotland, especially of a large estate (5) 7 Roger – – –, 1st Earl of March, who deposed Edward II (8) 8 Adopting the lifestyle of the local population (5,6)

9 Jewish usurer in Shakespear­e’s The Merchant Of Venice who lends money to his Christian rival Antonio (7) 12 Lytton – – –, British writer and critic whose works include the biography Eminent Victorians (8) 16 A large, densely populated urban sprawl formed by the growth and coalescenc­e of individual towns or cities (11) 18 People who study the nature of God, religion and religious beliefs (11) 19 Giant coniferous trees of coastal regions of California (8) 23 Archaic term for unmarried women (9) 24 King Camp – – –, American inventor of the safety razor (8) 25 Thickets or dense growths of small trees or bushes (8) 26 Bobby – – –, American chess grandmaste­r who took the World Chess Championsh­ip title from Boris Spassky in 1972 (7) 28 A gripping tool consisting of two hinged arms with closeable serrated jaws (6) 30 City in Dallas County, Alabama, starting point for a civil-rights march to Montgomery in 1965 (5) 32 Dirt, soot or filth, especially when thickly accumulate­d or ingrained (5)

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