The Mail on Sunday

SPRING is in the air

Give your roses some love and perk up the pond because . . .

- Martyn Cox

THE Easter weekend is the traditiona­l time for even the most fairweathe­red gardener to step outside their back door and give their plot some attention. From perking up roses to planting summer containers, here are eight jobs that will help to rejuvenate your garden after winter and prepare it for the growing year ahead.

Mind the gaps

For a summer spectacle, plug gaps in beds and borders. Among perennials that will provide longlastin­g colour are crocosmias, hardy geraniums and achilleas.

Salvia ‘Amistad’, a fairly recent introducti­on, will produce purple flowers from May until October.

If you have space for something larger, plant summer- flowering shrubs such as roses, hydrangeas and hardy fuchsias.

Another option is to sow hardy annuals. Nigella, calendula, cerinthe and a host of others can be sown directly into soil to flower from late spring onwards.

No more rose woes

Nothing beats roses in their summer pomp, but they will fail to deliver without some attention.

Look around the base for suckers (vigorous undergroun­d shoots) and twist them off by hand.

Ensure plenty of strong, healthy growth by watering regularly and scattering rose fertiliser granules around plants. Spread a 3in-deep mulch of composted bark over the soil, leaving a gap around stems.

Keep out trespasser­s

Warmer weather heralds t he arrival of many pests, so check heck your plants for trespasser­s.

Look under leaves of lilies for red lily beetles and their larvae and pick off shiny rosemary beetles from sage, lavender and rosemary.

Take pre- emptive action against slugs and snails by scattering organic pellets.

Blackfly and sap- sucking aphids reproduce rapidly and will deform leaves and stems. They are easy to despatch by rubbing off with your fingers. If shoots are infested, spray with organic pesticide.

Wash away winter muck

A combinatio­n of moss, algae e and dirt from muddy boots can n leave patios, paths and hard sur- faces unsightly and slippery.

Shift it quickly by blasting with a pressure washer on a high setting, working methodical­ly across the area. Set to a lower pressure when cleaning decking and keep the nozzle 6in away from boards to prevent splinterin­g.

Or scrub with soapy water and a broom with stiff bristles. White vinegar is useful for getting rid of more stubborn stains.

Spring-clean your pond

Make ponds sparkle by skimming duckweed off the surface with a small net and use a cane to twirl out blanket weed, leaving the stuff on the side for a few days to allow any wildlife to return.

Many aquatic plants will choke the pond if congested. Rejuvenate by lifting out containers and splitting rootballs into smaller pieces. Repot a section using fresh aquatic compost. Add some new plants if the pond is looking empty, aiming to cover a third of the surface with foliage to reduce direct sunlight, which prevents algae growth.

Add colour with containers

Pots and containers are essential for adding colour to patios, balconies and decks. Now is the time to plant them up using seasonal bedding plants such as petunias, pelargoniu­ms and busy Lizzies.

Fill containers with multi-purpose compost, leaving a 2in gap at the top for watering. For a balanced display, place taller varieties at the back with compact ones in front and dot trailers around the sides. Water well and put in a light, sheltered spot indoors to establish. Place outside when there’s no danger of frost.

Spruce up wood

Inspect fences and other upright wooden structures to ensure they are ready to face the season. Prevent those that are in a poor state from toppling by strengthen­ing rotting posts with concrete or metal spurs.

Replace broken slats and damaged gravel boards on fences, and screw any loose parts back into place. Extend the life of timber by treating with paint, wood stain or oil. Use a 5in brush when coating fences, working from left to right if slats are horizontal, or up and down if vertical. Only apply preservati­ves when wood is dry.

Time to sow vegetables

Easter is a great time to start growing vegetables. Seeds of beetroot, broad beans, carrots, French beans and peas can be sown directly in soil now it’s warming up. Prepare the ground by forking over and raking until the top 2in to 3in resembles fine breadcrumb­s. Indoors, start seeds of tender veggies, such as tomatoes and cucumbers and herbs. Sow in pots of seed compost, covering them with a thin layer.

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 ??  ?? DIG FOR VICTORY: Put in the work now for stunning d displays of Adelaide d’Orleans roses, above, and sparkling ponds, left, but look out for pests such as the red lily beetle, inset right
DIG FOR VICTORY: Put in the work now for stunning d displays of Adelaide d’Orleans roses, above, and sparkling ponds, left, but look out for pests such as the red lily beetle, inset right
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