The Mail on Sunday

Meg and pal... girls who don’t wanna have fun


MOST of us get close to pals over a few drinks, but I can reveal that Meghan Markle bonded with one of her best British friends over a shared tendency NOT to enjoy parties. And Meghan’s chum, right, has her own claim to fame: one of the longest, and possibly silliest, names in high society – Tamara Plunkett-ErnleErle-Drax. I gather that Meghan and Tamara, wife of Harry’s friend Henry ‘Wago’ Warhurst, bonded at the wedding of Harry’s Eton pal Charlie van Straubenze­e and Daisy Jenks not long before Megxit. A source tells me ‘Tamara was not drinking and was chilling outside the marquee, avoiding the crazy scenes inside. Meghan has never been the life and soul of parties, often sitting the dancing part out, so she was drawn to Tamara. She is one of the few British female friends of Harry that Meghan warmed to.’

YET another of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s US associates has unhelpfull­y weighed in on our Royal Family.

American TV pundit Damian Holbrook took to Twitter to offer a ludicrousl­y hostile opinion of The Firm, saying: ‘The royals can eat a bag of d**ks.’ Charming.

His contributi­on came after Meghan’s former Suits co-star

Patrick J Adams described the Duchess as ‘enthusiast­ic, kind, co-operative, giving, joyful and supportive’. Damian replied ‘Yes !’ before making his vile addition.

He added that his support was based ‘not just from delightful profession­al interactio­ns but from when she was previously married to my friend’s nephew’.

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