The Mail on Sunday


WIN £1,500


There’s an amazing £1,500 prize for the first correct solution drawn at random in our general knowledge Prize Crossword. Entries must arrive by Friday, May 7 (photocopie­s not accepted). Today’s solution will appear next week and the winner’s name on Sunday, May 23. SEE BELOW THE GRID for details on how to enter.


1 Large prize, kitty, or accumulate­d stake that may be won in gambling (7) 5 Epidemic outbreaks of deadly and highly infectious diseases (11) 10 (Of wine) sold unnamed by a restaurant, at a lower price than wines on the wine list (5) 11 Signal fires or lights on hills or towers (7) 13 Evergreen shrub with yellow flowers and thick green spines (5) 14 Asian citrus tree cultivated for its small, orange-like fruits (9) 15 A sweet white wine made in the southern Bordeaux district of France (9) 16 A wide, water-filled ditch surroundin­g a fortified place (4) 17 Person skilled in the art of beautiful handwritin­g (12) 20 In rugby, a loose scrum formed around the ball on the ground (4) 21 Recording of an oral reading of a fiction or non-fiction work (9) 22 Large, triangular, plucked, stringed instrument (4) 26 Scatologic­al or vulgar jokes (6,6) 27 Fastening devices used in clothing or luggage (4) 29 Mark – – –, Manx cyclist who won a silver medal in the Omnium at the 2016 Olympic Games (9) 31 John Stith – – –, American pharmacist who invented the drink that would become Coca-Cola in 1886 (9) 33 In Greek mythology, Titan compelled to support the sky on his shoulders (5) 34 An ostentatio­us display, especially of wealth (7) 35 A puzzle consisting of pictures representi­ng syllables and words (5) 36 Formerly, a religious establishm­ent in England, such as a monastery or convent, under the control of a foreign religious house (5,6) 37 Spanish drink of red wine, sugar, spices, fruit and soda water or lemonade (7)


1 Tenth president of the US, who served from 1841-45 (4,5) 2 A large container for milk (5) 3 One of the common people, especially in ancient Rome (8) 4 Norman – – –, Conservati­ve life peer, a Cabinet member under Margaret Thatcher from 1981-87 (6) 5 An instrument for simulating the apparent motions of the sun, moon and other celestial bodies (11) 6 Wet feed, especially for pigs, made from kitchen waste (5) 7 A fish with a flattened body, large, triangular fins, flat teeth and a long tail (5,3) 8 Either of two books of the New Testament based upon letters written by Paul the Apostle (11) 9 Edmund – – –, 16th Century

English poet best known for The Faerie Queene (7) 12 Bony fish of temperate waters, a source of caviar and isinglass (8) 16 Niccolo – – –, Florentine statesman and political philosophe­r who wrote the 16th Century treatise The Prince (11) 18 British political party formed in 1900 as an amalgam of various trade unions and socialist groups (6,5) 19 Widely cultivated shrubs with showy, drooping, purple, red or white flowers (8) 23 A major division of islands in the Pacific, including Hawaii, Samoa and Tonga (9) 24 Alfred – – –, the Poet Laureate 1850-92, whose works include The Charge Of The Light Brigade (8) 25 A metal hearthside implement, such as a poker, shovel or tongs (4,4) 26 A rapid keyboard compositio­n dating from the baroque period, usually in a rhythmical­ly free style (7) 28 Glowing or smoulderin­g pieces of coal or wood, as in a dying fire (6) 30 – – – Dolly!, 1969 musical film directed by Gene Kelly and starring Barbra Streisand (5) 32 A small drum used especially in the Middle Ages, struck with one hand (5)

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