The Mail on Sunday

‘I can’t believe someone from this road could be linked to such horror’

- By Jake Ryan and Katie Hind

SUSPECT Ali Harbi Ali lives on a soughtafte­r North London street, which is also home to restaurant critic Giles Coren.

The tree-lined road, where properties sell for around £2 million, was also previously home to the late Only Fools And Horses actor Roger Lloyd Pack, who lived there for 27 years until his death in 2014.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, who yesterday laid a wreath for Sir David Amess at the scene of his murder in Leigh-on-Sea, lives just streets away in trendy Kentish Town.

He is also the MP for the area where Ali lives with his father in their councilown­ed flat. The road, populated with Victorian terrace houses, most of which have three storeys, is described as ‘vibrant’ and ‘close knit’. It lies in the London Borough of Camden.

Other high-profile names with addresses nearby include former Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger and the late Labour Minister Tessa Jowell.

A 1959 film called Sapphire, about the murder of a young woman and exposing deep racial tensions in the capital, starring Fenella Fielding, was set in the street.

It has been alive with police activity since Friday when police arrived to search the property. Residents reported seeing teams of officers, some wearing gloves, moving in and out of the house during Friday and yesterday.

One neighbour, who did not wish to be named, said: ‘Police have been moving in and out all day. I’ve seen officers in unmarked vans with gloves on, plain clothes guys going in. They’ve been parked along the road.

‘I didn’t know the guy who lived there and never saw him. I can’t believe that someone on this road would be linked to that horrific attack.’

Two police officers stand guard outside suspect Ali Harbi Ali’s home in affluent Kentish Town in North London last night
SOUGHT-AFTER: Two police officers stand guard outside suspect Ali Harbi Ali’s home in affluent Kentish Town in North London last night

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