The Mail on Sunday


WIN £1,500


There’s an amazing £1,500 prize for the first correct solution drawn at random in our general knowledge Prize Crossword. Entries must arrive by Friday, October 22 (photocopie­s not accepted). Today’s solution will appear next week and the winner’s name on Sunday, November 7. SEE BELOW THE GRID for details on how to enter.


1 The capital city of the republic of Georgia (7)

5 In pathology, an abnormally rapid beating of the heart (11)

10 The capital city of Ghana (5)

11 Perfumed oils or ointments put on the hair (7)

13 A mountainou­s state

of West Austria (5)

14 1988 novel by Ian McEwan, awarded the Booker Prize (9)

15 British writer whose works include the children’s classic Charlie And The Chocolate Factory (5,4)

16 The skin of a fur-bearing animal, such as a mink (4)

17 Things or objects that have been bought or obtained (12)

20 A city in West Nevada, noted as a divorce, wedding and gambling centre (4)

21 Documents signed by a large number of people demanding action from a government or other authority (9)

22 Domesticat­ed pigs, especially castrated males (4)

26 Statesman and chief advisor of Elizabeth I, 1st Baron Burghley (7,5)

27 A distinctiv­ely shaped, coloured float for designatin­g moorings, navigable channels or obstructio­ns in a body of water (4) 29 Necessary skills, competence­s or powers (9)

31 One of the official languages of South Africa, related to Dutch (9)

33 In Greek mythology, the Muse of love poetry (5)

34 Heraldic symbol in the form of a diagonal cross (7)

35 Maurice –––, French composer and conductor who wrote scores for films including Lawrence Of Arabia and Dr Zhivago (5)

36 American actor, comedian and writer awarded an honorary Oscar in 2013 (5,6)

37 Urgent or peremptory requiremen­ts or requests (7)


1 A cape on the southwest coast of Spain, scene of the decisive naval battle in which Nelson was mortally wounded (9)

2 The central of the three small bones in the middle ear of mammals (5)

3 ––– of Castile, wife of Ferdinand II of Aragon and mother of Henry VIII’s first wife Catherine of Aragon (8)

4 To restrict in action,

or progress (6)

5 The ––– –––, science fiction

novella by H.G. Wells published in 1895 (4,7)

6 Alcoholic drink made from

fermented apple juice (5)

7 A drug that counteract­s or neutralise­s the effects of a poison (8)

8 The branch of medicine concerned with the skin and its diseases (11)

9 Versions of the same gene at the same place on a pair of chromosome­s (7)

12 The last act, appearance, publicatio­n or utterance of a person before retirement or death (4,4)

16 The last but one in a series

of things (11)

18 The process by which two or more countries join together and become one (11)

19 Imaginary sea creatures fabled to have the heads and upper bodies of women and the tails of fish (8)

23 In some universiti­es, the divisions of the academic year (9)

24 Synthetic material used to make cooking utensils, and in cosmetic and plastic surgery (8)

25 The first novel by Kingsley Amis, published in 1954 (5,3)

26 Small, predatory mammals with reddishbro­wn fur, elongated bodies and necks and short legs (7)

28 The –––, weekly Quaker magazine founded in 1843 (6)

30 A breach or schism

in a group (5)

32 A protective garment worn over the front of the body (5)

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