The Mail on Sunday

History WILL remember you as a great leader

...unlike sneering John Major, famed only for his traffic cones hotline


Dear Boris

YOUR place in the annals of this country is secure.

Despite being only the 34th longest-serving PM out of the 55, the sheer import of the events of your premiershi­p will mark out your time in ways that are not true of premiers who were in No 10 for far longer.

Several Prime Ministers such as Lord Wilmington, Lord Goderich and Alec Home aren’t remembered for anything. Sir John Major will be associated with introducin­g a traffic cones hotline and suffering the worst electoral defeat since the Duke of Wellington.

By contrast, you took Britain out of the EU after the entire Establishm­ent had mounted a three-and-a-half-year campaign to try to frustrate the will of the British people. You restored sovereignt­y over our laws to Parliament, wresting it from the clutches of Brussels. No longer are we subject to the thousands of regulation­s that continue to emanate every year from Brussels, which used to have primacy over our own domestic laws.

For that alone, you’ll be considered a ‘rainmaker’ post-war prime minister in the manner of Clement Attlee, Edward Heath (who took us into the Common Market), Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair.

Truly consequent­ial Prime Ministers are surprising­ly rare; most premiers barely register when it comes to actual achievemen­ts.

It was partly because Britain was not in the EU and thus tied to the European Medicines Agency that your Government initiated the incredibly swift and efficient rollout of the best Covid vaccines – AstraZenec­a and Pfizer – thus saving an estimated 10,000 lives.

History has an uncanny way of differenti­ating between the important and the trivial, and the chaotic scenes in Westminste­r of last week will slip away as the underlying facts about your premiershi­p are appreciate­d in the light of what really matters.

There was the furlough scheme that saved tens of thousands of businesses and millions of livelihood­s. It was a textbook example of what statesmen need to do in a once-in-a-century crisis.

True, the cost will profoundly affect Britain’s economy for years but it was the right thing to do. Similarly with the war in Ukraine, your immediate, instinctiv­e, open-hearted decision to fling this country onto the side of democracy and against Putin is something you can be proud of for the rest of your life.

Your eloquent advocacy of the Ukrainian cause was echoed by the Biden administra­tion, further strengthen­ing the special relationsh­ip, especially in view of the French and German propensity to promise much but deliver little.

Small wonder that the Russian media is celebratin­g your downfall.

These great events are what history will ultimately concentrat­e upon, rather than the footling trivialiti­es of Partygate and your imperfect recollecti­ons about a bottom-pinching MP three years after being told of the man’s predilecti­ons. Prime Ministers used to be brought down over great and historic events.

Neville Chamberlai­n fell over the Allied defeat in Norway; Anthony Eden was crushed by the Suez Crisis; Margaret Thatcher over the great issue of Britain’s relationsh­ip with Europe.

It is a sign of our pettiness, and perhaps also our decadence, that you were brought down over a few leaving parties for civil servants in Downing Street.

The truth is that you have an unusual ability to get people engaged with politics which I suspect we’ll not see again for some time in British politics, where charm, humour and charisma are in desperatel­y short supply.

You created unity at a difficult and dangerous time for the country during Covid. You are also one of those rare public figures who not only believes that things such as knowledge of the past are important, but is willing to persuade people that this is so.

Future historians will study your two mayoral victories in Left-wing London, your government’s post-Brexit trade deals and the setting up of freeports. They will also recognise that you saved Britain from having an anti-Semitic Marxist-Leninist as Prime Minister and the way you and Priti Patel took steps to end the horrific scourge of peoplesmug­gling. Then there were the genuine efforts to level up areas of the country that had fallen terribly far behind.

Although you have never taken yourself too seriously, you’ll go down as one of the serious and substantia­l Prime Ministers.

You struggled manfully for three years against the Blob at its most sanctimoni­ous; against ranks of broadsheet newspaper columnists; Nicola Sturgeon; the Rejoiners (such as Lord Adonis who tweeted ‘If Boris goes, Brexit goes’); a Civil Service that constantly leaked against you; Dominic Cummings; and ‘relentless sledging’ from BBC Radio’s Today programme and the Church of England (the Labour Party at prayer).

The chaos of last week will probably be an interestin­g footnote to history because of the sheer number of resignatio­ns, but it will only ever be that.

In the implacable way that history has of sorting the wheat from the chaff, I believe you will be remembered for so much more than the way you agreed to resign – harried and damaged as a result of the absurd Tory Party rule whereby just 15 per cent of MPs could trigger a leadership vote.

Indeed, there is almost always that proportion of has-beens, malcontent­s, unpromotab­les, troublemak­ers, narcissist­s and people whose (usually unreasonab­le) ambitions have been disappoint­ed on the backbenche­s of every political party at all times.

As for your future, you have a vast hinterland compared with most politician­s. So you’ll be able to enjoy life rather than obsess about the events of July 2022.

You’ll be able to make a great fortune from your pen and on the internatio­nal speaking circuit. Unveil some statues of yourself in a future free and peaceful Ukraine.

The best form of revenge against your detractors would be you and Carrie living well and happily.

My only advice is: don’t restart writing history books. I don’t need the competitio­n!

Unveil statues of yourself in a future free and peaceful Ukraine

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