The Mail on Sunday

Yorkshirem­en easiest to keep under t’ thumb

- By Stian Alexander

BY ECK! No-nonsense Yorkshirem­en are the easiest in the UK to train and tame, according to a survey.

Almost a third of women in a county famed for its straight-talking men such as cricket legend Geoffrey Boycott, actor Sean Bean and TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson claim to have ‘broken in’ their male partner within a year of their relationsh­ip beginning.

By comparison, just 12 per cent of those questioned in the South West said they had done so, while it was around a fifth in both Scotland and Wales.

Across the UK, around a quarter of the 2,000 women surveyed said that ensuring their husband or partner was ‘obedient’ and ‘easy to mould’ was a top priority.

Among the traits signalling obedience, respondent­s listed sharing domestic chores, limiting the duration of visits to the pub and bringing home flowers and chocolates without prompting.

Mother-of-two Veronica Bowman, 36, from Keighley, West Yorkshire, considers herself to be among those women who has her other half – in her case, building foreman Mike – well trained.

‘At first it was little steps, like making sure he took his work boots off as soon as he got home and had a shower,’ she said.

‘I gradually stepped it up and he was soon washing the dishes, doing the washing and tumble drying and even making the kids their packed lunches.’

The study, commission­ed by natural dog treat brand Pooch Snax, found more than half of the women questioned look to treat their men like a dog.

‘Fifty-four per cent search for the same qualities in a partner that they find in their dog,’ said a spokesman.

‘Among the top qualities included being loyal, affectiona­te, fun-loving and, of course, being easy to train.’

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