The Mail on Sunday

Tags make us anxious, say foreign criminals


FOREIGN criminals are whining that electronic tags are causing them ‘anxiety and stigma’. But many aren’t being monitored due to a shortage of devices.

A report by David Neal, the Independen­t Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigratio­n, says tagged crooks were ‘concerned how they would be perceived in society’ and found the devices ‘big and bulky’.

The GPS surveillan­ce of foreign criminals awaiting deportatio­n was launched last August. At the time of the inspection carried out for the report, 1,732 devices were fitted. But it warns: ‘There will be fewer devices available than the number of individual­s subject to the duty. As a result, there will be a need to regulate the use of devices.’

The number of foreign criminals breaching tagging conditions has been steadily rising, mainly due to battery failures and staff shortages at the monitoring hub in Liverpool.

Tony Smith, a former Director General of Border Force, called for more investment in tagging technology, adding: ‘Where these guys are and what they’re up to becomes a problem when they’re in the community. You need to know where they are and keep tabs on them.

‘We are going to have to do more and more tagging. It’s harder and harder to send many of these criminals back. You need readmissio­n agreements and the Home Office is trying to negotiate more of them.’

Twenty-eight per cent of tagged criminals are Albanian nationals.

Another Albanian, an illegal migrant, was one of the final seven to avoid being sent to Rwanda on the first planned removal flight. The 26-year-old, who crossed the Channel on a small boat, was released earlier this month without a tag despite a Home Office applicatio­n to fit one.

A spokeswoma­n said last night: ‘Since August 2021, the Home Office has successful­ly tagged over 2,000 foreign criminals, reassuring victims that their perpetrato­rs cannot escape the law and will be removed from the UK at the earliest opportunit­y. Since January 2019, the Government has removed more than 10,000 foreign criminals.’

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