The Mail on Sunday

Antidepres­sants DO work, insist top doctors as they hit back at bombshell study

- By Ethan Ennals

TOP psychiatri­sts have rounded on the authors of a bombshell

study which cast doubts on the effectiven­ess of antidepres­sants, labelling the findings ‘absurd’ and ‘grossly exaggerate­d.’

Last week, researcher­s at University College London said they had disproved a theory dating back to the 1960s that depression is caused by low levels of serotonin, a chemical in the brain believed to control mood.

Led by Professor Joanna Moncrieff, a respected consultant psychiatri­st, the study analysed decades of research, involving tens of thousands of patients with the condition, and found ‘no convincing evidence’ of a link between the mental illness and serotonin levels.

The findings have been deemed significan­t as most antidepres­sants – taken by more than eight million Britons – are designed to boost serotonin levels.

‘Thousands suffer from side effects of antidepres­sants, including the severe withdrawal effects that can occur when trying to stop

them, yet prescripti­on rates continue

to rise,’ Prof Moncrieff said. ‘We believe this has been driven by the false belief that depression is due to a chemical imbalance. It is time to inform the public this belief is not grounded in science.’

However, leading brain experts have criticised Prof Moncrieff, who has written bestsellin­g books that cast antidepres­sants in a negative light. They argue it is untrue

to say scientists believe depression is caused by low serotonin levels. Instead, they say, the prevailing theory is depression is caused by many factors, and that antidepres­sants are clinically shown to help.

Dr Michael Bloomfield, consultant psychiatri­st and a colleague of Prof Moncrieff’s at University College London, said her conclusion ‘does not make sense’.

‘Depression has many different symptoms and I don’t think I’ve

met any serious scientists or psychiatri­sts who think that all causes of depression are due to a simple chemical imbalance in serotonin.’

He added: ‘[This paper] has lumped together depression as if it is a single disorder, which from

a biological perspectiv­e does not make any sense.’

David Curtis, Honorary Professor, UCL Genetics Institute, agreed: ‘The notion of depression being due to a chemical imbalance is outmoded, and the Royal College of Psychiatri­sts wrote this was an over-simplifica­tion in a statement published in 2019.’ Phil Cowen, Prof of Psychophar­macology at the University of Oxford, appeared to accuse Prof Moncrieff of cherry-picking data to suit her hypothesis.

He pointed out the review had omitted a pivotal study that did suggest depressed patients had

lower levels of compounds integral to serotonin production in their blood.

‘The possible role of serotonin in depression is a separate question

from the antidepres­sant effects of [antidepres­sants],’ he said.

Other experts point to multiple studies that show taking antidepres­sants can lift depression, regardless of their effect on serotonin levels.

‘Through years of research we know that antidepres­sants work and save lives,’ says Professor David Nutt, head of the Centre for Neuropsych­opharmacol­ogy at Imperial College London.

‘This paper’s conclusion­s are absurd. The authors have grossly exaggerate­d the importance of serotonin levels. No one has ever said a serotonin imbalance is the sole cause of depression.’

He adds that newer studies, not included in Prof Moncrieff’s review, that used more accurate testing methods, had found

‘decreased serotonin release capacity’ in people with depression. ‘To dismiss the serotonin hypothesis of depression at this point is premature,’ he said.

Psychiatri­sts say the exact reason antidepres­sants work is not understood, but this is not unusual. ‘It’s hard to be absolutely sure what is causing a drug to work in the brain,’ says Prof Nutt. ‘In the case of antidepres­sants, it could be having an effect on other things than serotonin receptors.’

Crucially, they argue that, even if depression is not caused by a serotonin imbalance, this doesn’t mean it cannot be effectivel­y treated by boosting levels of the brain chemical.

Responding to the criticism, Prof Moncrieff said the aim of the

study was not to argue that antidepres­sants don’t work but to question whether the pills should be prescribed in the first place.

‘People are told the reason they feel depressed is that there is

something wrong with the chemistry in their brain and antidepres­sants could put it right. But if

there’s no evidence there’s anything wrong with the brain’s

chemistry, then that doesn’t sound like a sensible solution. This profession has misled people for so

long about the need for antidepres­sants and now doctors don’t

want to admit they got it wrong.’

‘Serotonin imbalance is not the sole cause’

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