The Mail on Sunday

William to take climate fight to US

- By Kate Mansey

THE Duke of Cambridge is expected to travel to New York next month as he prepares to take his climate change message to the United States.

During the trip, Prince William plans to meet Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City Mayor and American philanthro­pist who sits on the board of the Duke’s Earthshot Prize.

It is thought William could also address the United Nations General Assembly, where world leaders convene to discuss the biggest issues of the day. A source said: ‘William is planning to go over to the US for some big meetings with Bloomberg’s team who are getting it all ready.

‘It’s going to put his Earthshot Prize on a global footing and get some real interest going in the States ahead of the next awards.’

Kensington Palace has previously announced that the second annual awards ceremony for the environmen­tal prize will be hosted in Boston in December.

It was inspired by John F Kennedy’s Moonshot award in the 1960s, when the US President pledged to put a man on the Moon within a decade.

Prince William’s initiative aims to promote inventions over the next decade that help the planet.

Mr Bloomberg, who is also a UN special envoy on climate change, is now a global adviser to the Earthshot Prize and co-wrote an article for USA Today with Prince William last year. They wrote: ‘The science tells us that this is the decade to act – and that waiting is not an option.

‘We must meet this moment with the optimistic spirit of President Kennedy’s Moonshot.’

News of the visit comes after William’s younger brother, the Duke of Sussex, addressed the UN earlier this year.

In a speech, Harry paid tribute to Nelson Mandela and warned we were ‘witnessing a global assault on democracy and freedom’.

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