The Mail on Sunday


WIN £1,500


There’s an amazing £1,500 prize for the first correct solution drawn at random in our general knowledge Prize Crossword. Entries must arrive by Friday, August 12 (photocopie­s not accepted). Today’s solution will appear next week and the winner’s name on Sunday, August 28. SEE BELOW THE GRID for details on how to enter.


11 Avocado-based dip which

originated in Mexico (9)

12 An artificial sweetener used

in diet soft drinks (9)

13 A less common word

for lawful (5)

14 Doctor ---, Elizabetha­n tragedy by Christophe­r Marlowe (7)

15 --- Antipas, 1st-Century ruler of Galilee and Perea, known for his purported role in the executions of John the Baptist and Jesus (5)

16 Dense growths of small trees and shrubs (8) 18 German-born novelist awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature 1929 (6,4) 22 To bend one or both knees as a sign of reverence, especially in church (9) 24 Plant of the carnation family, bearing red, pink or white flowers (7) 27 A person who examines something in detail (7)

28 The activity of taking people or goods from one place to another (9)

30 Dishes that are served as an accompanim­ent to something else (4,6) 32 A slang name for a police patrol vehicle (5,3)

35 Yair ---, politician serving as the Prime Minister of Israel since July 2022 (5) 37 Game in which a wooden ball is hit through iron hoops (7)

38 and 10 Down Archduke of Austria whose assassinat­ion in 1914 precipitat­ed events which led to the start of the First World War (5,9)

39 Person who lends funds at illegal or exorbitant rates of interest (4,5)

40 In British territorie­s, the ending of the slave trade or slavery itself (9)


1 A dog sport in which a handler directs a dog through an obstacle course (7)

2 A group of musicians who play music as they walk (8,4)

3 William Howard ---, the

27th President of the

United States (4)

4 A sugar-coated sweet

containing a nut or seed (6)

5 The longest thickest bone

of the human skeleton (5)

6 American poet famous for the verse collection Leaves Of Grass (4,7)

7 --- Dei, internatio­nal Roman Catholic organisati­on founded in 1928 (4)

8 Johannes ---, German composer and pianist of the Romantic period whose works include A German Requiem (6) 9 A salmon up to two years of age, with dark spots and transverse bands (4)

10 See 38 Across

17 --- Dalglish, Scottish exinternat­ional footballer who played for Celtic FC and Liverpool FC in the 1970s and 1980s (5)

19 Practice exams taken in

preparatio­n for real ones (5)

20 Typical of a privileged class of people usually of high birth (12)

21 On ---, a metaphor for

nervous anticipati­on (11)

23 Having a stale nauseating

smell, as of decay (5)

25 (Of a cow) made a characteri­stic deep long sound (5)

26 Insect similar to, but smaller

than, a dragonfly (9)

29 US state whose capital

is Phoenix (7)

31 Most unusual or peculiar (6)

33 --- movie, a film with a

fast-moving plot (6)

34 A large painting or picture

on a wall (5)

36 Edith ---, 20th-Century French singer famous for singing ‘Non, je ne regrette rien’ (4)

37 Cassius ---, original name of the boxer Muhammad Ali (4)

38 Metal in the form of

very thin sheets (4)

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