The Mail on Sunday

Orchestra doesn’t deserve taxpayer cash if it’s going to disrespect Britain


I haven’t heard of either

Chi-chi Nwanoku or the Chineke! Orchestra. If they insist on biting the hand that feeds them by disrespect­ing the country and refusing to play the National Anthem, as reported in The Mail on Sunday last week, fine. Don’t give them any more money. I am in three bands which would be more than happy to receive a tiny fraction of the £1million that the Arts Council lavishes on them.

Nick Wootton, Wallasey

How dare the artistic director of the Chineke! Orchestra, Chi-chi Nwanoku, accept a CBE and then refuse to play the National

Anthem after the Queen died because it symbolises the ‘racist’ British Empire. Until the truth about slavery is explained to these indoctrina­ted people, this sorry state of affairs will continue.

Paul Morley, Skipton

What’s happened to free will and free speech? You cannot force people against their will to play something they do not agree with. The world has changed and we should appreciate that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.

A. Coleman, London

While I don’t agree that our National Anthem symbolises the ‘racist’ British Empire, it does need changing. It’s a cringewort­hy dirge about the monarchy, which has nothing to do with Britain and its people.

Julia O’Connor, Brighton

Apart from showing disrespect for Britain and what it stands for today, are they so talentless that they can’t generate income by being well-known in this country? Instead, they rely on taxpayers’ money to continue with mediocre, hardly-heard music. The funding is being wasted, as it’s not producing any noticeable results.

Kyle Chavez, Basingstok­e

Being a classical music fan, I love the music Chineke! perform but I get very annoyed by Chi-chi Nwanoku’s continual political grandstand­ing.

Julia Hart, Matlock

Yet another example of the contempt many of the organisati­ons feel for Britain even after monies are donated. Let’s stop all donations and invest in our own infrastruc­tures that are collapsing around our eyes.

Molly Reynolds, Leeds

Well done to this orchestra for sticking up for their values.

A. Morrison, Aberdeen

People like Chi-chi Nwanoku don’t deserve to live in such a free democratic state. We owe everything we have to the generation­s before us who allowed us to be able to enjoy all the many benefits of having a constituti­onal monarchy without fear of despotic rulers.

Samantha Ryan, St Albans

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