The Mail on Sunday

I never thought I’d see such levels of disrespect


WHETHER here legally or illegally, Albanians protesting in Westminste­r showed they have no understand­ing of Britain’s culture or the sacrifices of the past of the country they now inhabit. I never thought I would see such mass levels of disrespect.

But they are a result of a useless Conservati­ve Government which has surrendere­d our borders to criminalit­y despite promising to take back control.

The Labour Party, too, offers no solutions to this downward decline of our society. If these are the benefits of diversity, Tony Blair, you can keep them.

The brutal fact is that our country is being changed by both legal and illegal immigratio­n in ways that make it unrecognis­able. If this Remembranc­e Weekend display does not illustrate where our politician­s are going wrong, then we are sunk as a society.

I was alerted to yesterday’s protest by a veteran visiting the Cenotaph with former Army colleagues to pay respect to fallen comrades.

The photos and video footage of Albanians draping their flag over Churchill’s statue left me appalled.

Suella Braverman quite correctly stated that what is happening is an invasion and that too many of those coming from Albania are minded with criminal intent.

For the first time since the criminal gangs began shipping people across the English Channel in dinghies, we have had a Home Secretary who’s dared to say what a clear majority of people think.

Even The Guardian newspaper acknowledg­ed that ‘organised criminal gangs known to have previously trafficked sex-workers and gang-members into the UK, and which now control large parts of the marijuana and cocaine markets’ may be involved.

Every day on the social media site TikTok, boastful young Albanian men show on camera the large amounts of cash that they have made since their crossing.

It is beyond doubt now that not only are the trafficker­s criminals but many of their paying customers are too.

Come to the UK illegally, get escorted by the French navy and then smoke cannabis in a hotel paid for by the British taxpayer. It is beyond a joke.

If the police had stopped all those crossing the Channel in dinghies and checked them, I wonder how many they would have found were coming here illegally?

How sad to say, though, that our police chiefs are too busy campaignin­g for increased awareness of the menopause or for any other trendy issue that takes their fancy.

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