The Mail on Sunday

Kite flying is over... brace yourself as the Budget seeks to fill £50bn hole


SINCE Rishi Sunak took over as Prime Minister last month and announced there would be a Budget this Thursday, political kite flying has been to the fore. Kite flying – the act of finding out what people think about a potential new idea before it is acted upon – has been rife as Sunak and Chancellor Jer‘Most emy Hunt have mulled over how the £50 billion hole in the Government’s finances can be tackled.

Little, it seems, has been ruled out.

There could be draconian changes to capital gains tax and dividend tax; the thresholds at which basic rate and higher rate income tax kick in could be frozen long into the future; while inheritanc­e tax thresholds could also get the deep freeze treatment.

Additional rate income tax of 45 per cent, currently payable by those earning more than £150,000 a year, might even kick in at a lower level.

With cuts to tax relief on pension contributi­ons also being mooted, it all appears horribly grim. Indeed, it is reminiscen­t of the kind of tax-hiking agenda Jeremy Corbyn had in mind if he had won the General Election in December 2019. So Labour, so unconserva­tive. Red conservati­sm.

Although kite flying is about sounding out the mood music among the public for radical tax changes – there is usually another parallel agenda at play. That is, to create in the public’s mind that the Budget will be nothing but a horror story – and then to deliver a set of tax-raising measures that is not quite as bad as people had been led to believe. Result? Relief all the way round.

Maybe. But this time, the kites could all wreak havoc with our finances. Thursday’s Budget could be the horror story we have been warned to expect.


IT IS inconceiva­ble that the Government will let down pensioners for a second year running by reneging on the triple-lock guarantee that applies to the state pension.

The guarantee, promising the higher of 2.5 per cent, inflation or earnings growth, was broken last year by the then Chancellor Rishi Sunak in response to the adverse economic impact of lockdown – and the rapid increase in earnings as a big chunk of the workforce came off furlough.

Breaking the guarantee a second time will be seen by most pensioners – many, readers of The Mail on Sunday – as unforgivab­le and a sure-fire vote loser at the next General Election.

It’s a view not just held by those in receipt of the state pension who believe they are entitled to the 10.1 per cent increase under the terms of the triple-lock guarantee – with the uplift applying from April next year. It is also shared by others yet to hit state pension retirement.

Former postman Martin Shaw, from Bracknell in Berkshire, says he needs every penny available to keep his financial head and that of wife Julia above water.

‘Yes, we have our own pensions,’ says Martin, aged 72. ‘I get a halfdecent pension from my years as a postman and Julia gets one from Tesco where she used to work. But money is tight.

‘The triple-lock guarantee must be adhered to. The state pension is a vital part of our financial armoury.’

Kim Cooper, a recently retired IT consultant from Rayleigh in Essex, is not yet old enough to be eligible for the state pension. But she believes the triple lock should be kept.

‘I do a lot of voluntary work,’ says Kim, who is 65 and married to retired teacher Richard Dray. of it is based around helping elderly people with basic needs such as doing their shopping.’ She adds: ‘I see how inflation is increasing the cost of the basic goods they send me out to buy. It’s a struggle for them. So an inflation-linked increase to their state pensions is vital.’

Although an honouring of the guarantee is likely to be announced on Thursday, its long-term future cannot be assured. Last week, former Chancellor Philip Hammond said a review of the triple lock should be undertaken because of its cost.


WHILE pensioners are likely to be Budget winners, workers are likely to bear the brunt of a Government tax grab.

The thresholds at which basic and higher rate income tax kick in are likely to be frozen until maybe 2028, dragging more people into paying increasing amounts of tax as their earnings grow. Although there are suggestion­s that additional rate tax could rise from 45 to 50 per cent, this is unlikely given it would break yet another 2019 manifesto commitment (not to raise income tax rates).

‘It would be a pointless gesture as it would raise so little,’ says Jason Hollands, a director of wealth manager Evelyn Partners. What is more likely is that the 45 per cent could apply at a lower threshold than the current £150,000.

Wealth preservati­on is also likely to take a hit as the nil-rate inheritanc­e threshold is kept at £325,000 – again maybe until 2028.

Higher taxes on capital gains cannot be ruled out, although the annual tax-free allowance could instead be shrunk from its current £12,300. Dividend tax rates could also jump.

As for tax relief on pension contributi­ons, reform is unlikely (it would be messy). But Hunt could reduce the annual amount that can be put into a pension while still benefiting from tax relief. This currently stands at £40,000.

One expert said the Budget would likely be a financial version of Chinese water torture for taxpayers. So, brace yourself for the worst.

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