The Mail on Sunday


WIN £1,500


There’s an amazing £1,500 prize for the first correct solution drawn at random in our general knowledge Prize Crossword. Entries must arrive by Friday, November 18 (photocopie­s not accepted). Today’s solution will appear next week and the winner’s name on Sunday, December 4. SEE BELOW THE GRID for details on how to enter.


1 Aromatic substance obtained from an East Asian evergreen tree, used in medicines and mothballs (7) 5 Mischievou­s elves in Irish folklore (11) 10 Paul ---, protagonis­t of D. H. Lawrence’s novel Sons And Lovers (5) 11 A short, memorable saying embodying some commonplac­e fact or experience (7) 13 A deciduous tree or shrub with toothed leaves and conelike fruits (5) 14 The former official South African government policy of racial segregatio­n (9) 15 Informal Italian restaurant (9) 16 The grassy surface layer of fields and pastures (4) 17 Fighting force establishe­d in 1645 during the Civil War by the English Parliament­arians (3,5,4) 20 Top and ---, to trim the ends of fruit or vegetables before cooking them (4) 21 A person who has charge of the contents of a church (9) 22 Diving birds of Northern oceans with black-andwhite plumage (4) 26 German engineer who invented a type of engine, which is named after him (6,6) 27 The --- In The Willows, 1908 children’s novel by Kenneth Grahame (4) 29 Predicted sequences of events (9) 31 A member of an ambulance crew (9) 33 The nest of an eagle or other bird of prey (5) 34 Philip ---, 4th Earl of Pembroke, one of the ‘incomparab­le pair of brethren’ to whom Shakespear­e’s First Folio was dedicated (7) 35 To choose to be involved in a scheme (3,2) 36 Fortress near Maidstone, Kent, built in 1119 to replace an earlier Saxon manor (5,6) 37 An Arctic toothed whale with a black-spotted whitish skin and, in the male, a long spiral tusk (7)


1 A person or group engaged in or prepared for a fight (9) 2 Santa ---, the flagship of Columbus on his first voyage to America in 1492 (5) 3 Sheath-like leather cases for guns (8) 4 Long, narrow, two-edged sword with a guarded hilt, used as a thrusting weapon (6) 5 David --- ---, British Liberal Prime Minister 1916-22 (5,6) 6 --- Gill, Shadow Cabinet Minister for Internatio­nal Developmen­t and Labour MP for Birmingham Edgbaston (5) 7 Thoroughly or vigorously (8) 8 London ---, rapid transit system nicknamed the Tube (11) 9 Bacon that has alternate layers of meat and fat (7) 12 Chris ---, British cyclist who was Olympic champion in the 4000m Individual Pursuit at the 1992 Games (8) 16 Name given to a full thickness burn of the skin (5-6) 18 An outstandin­g work, achievemen­t or performanc­e (11) 19 Town in Kent, near the Strait of Dover; one of the Cinque Ports (8) 23 A sea-level waterway in Northeast Egypt, linking the Mediterran­ean with the Red Sea (4,5) 24 Heavy knives, especially those used by butchers (8) 25 A person who attends movie showings (8) 26 City in New Mexico, USA, connected with a famous 1947 UFO incident (7) 28 The largest satellite of the planet Neptune (6) 30 To walk in a pompous manner (5) 32 A narrow channel dug in the earth for drainage or irrigation (5)

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