The Mail on Sunday

Is Meghan now planning her own bombshell book?

- From Caroline Graham

THE Royal Family are set to face a new onslaught from the Sussexes in the shape of a memoir by Meghan Markle, according to reports.

After the couple delivered a salvo of explosive claims in their recent Netflix series, Prince Harry’s new autobiogra­phy Spare is expected to stir up yet further controvers­y.

The series’ allegation­s of racism and unfair treatment of Meghan have left the Royal Family reeling, and the situation seems certain to worsen with the publicatio­n of Harry’s book in nine days’ time.

But now reports have emerged that Meghan is to publish her own bombshell memoir.

According to one source, the Duchess of Sussex ‘is contemplat­ing getting entirely candid about her time in the Royal limelight… and leaving no stone unturned’.

In 2021 the couple reportedly signed a four-book deal with publishers Penguin Random House.

Prince Harry is said to have received a $20 million advance for Spare. Meghan has already released her children’s book The Bench with the same publisher, and it is

‘Does the world really need to hear her story?’

rumoured that the couple are working on a ‘wellness’ book. Now it is believed the mystery fourth book will be Meghan’s autobiogra­phy.

A bestsellin­g memoir would put Meghan in a well-trodden American political tradition, amid much speculatio­n that she may have ambitions for elected office, given her outspoken views on women’s rights and other issues.

A Hollywood agent told The Mail on Sunday: ‘I would find it surprising if Meghan didn’t publish her own story, to be honest. Spare is clearly Prince Harry’s chance to tell his, but hers is equally compelling. I mean, how many actresses end up marrying a Prince?’

The source added: ‘If she’s harbouring political ambitions it would make even more sense,’ pointing out that Presidents Clinton, Obama and Trump all wrote books setting out their beliefs before launching bids for the White House.

The Duchess, a Democrat, has become close to America’s ‘political royalty’, the Kennedy family, and was honoured last month alongside her husband with an award from the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights non-profit organisati­on.

The organisati­on’s leader Kerry Kennedy – niece of former US president John F. Kennedy – said the Sussexes received the award for their stand against ‘structural racism’ within the Royal Family.

Meghan is also good friends with feminist icon Gloria Steinem who is still closely involved in liberal politics. A friend of Ms Steinem’s said: ‘Meghan has strong views very much in alignment with Gloria’s in terms of social justice and women’s rights. Gloria is encouragin­g her to make her voice heard.’

But some have warned that the Sussexes may be in danger of overexposu­re.

One senior Hollywood executive said: ‘We’ve had the Oprah Winfrey interview, then the Netflix series and now we’ve got Harry’s book. You have to ask if the world really needs to hear Meghan’s story right now? If I was advising her I would caution against releasing a book too quickly because there is a very real danger that people will start experienci­ng “Sussex fatigue”.

‘There comes a point where people might feel they’ve heard the same stories too many times. They have to change the narrative at some stage and focus on the future rather than past transgress­ions.’

Meanwhile, Harry’s book has been billed as being written with ‘raw, unflinchin­g honesty’.

The Duke is set to launch a publicity blitz next Sunday with an interview on America’s flagship 60 Minutes show.

He will also be interviewe­d by ITV’s Tom Bradby in the UK.

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