The Mail on Sunday

From pit village to world beater

Tributes flow in from around the globe as 1966 Wembley hero Sir Bobby Charlton dies aged 86 after lengthy battle with dementia


SIR Bobby Charlton, one of the world’s most admired footballer­s and a uniquely British hero, died yesterday aged 86.

As tributes flowed from all corners of the globe, many recalled his sportsmans­hip, dignity and integrity. For others, it was his ability to inspire. All spoke of his long and distinguis­hed career and, of course, his artistry – the dazzling runs and those rocketing long-range goals.

To those who knew him best, though, it was his innate modesty, his sense of never quite believing his own good fortune.

The 1966 World Cup winner was once praised by Sir Alex Ferguson as an example for anyone entering football. ‘Success can change people, and it’s never changed Bobby Charlton,’ he said. ‘He is what he is: quiet, shy and I think it’s fantastic.’

A survivor of the 1958 Munich air crash that claimed eight of his Manchester United teammates, Sir Bobby once described his life as a miracle. ‘I see one privilege heaped upon another,’ he said. ‘I wonder all over again how so much could come to one man simply because he was able to do something which for him was so natural and easy, and which he knew from the start he loved to do.’

When he was knighted in 1994 it was noted that the Queen had finally recognised what

football fans had known for years – there’s only one Bobby Charlton. The title ‘Sir’ did not sit comfortabl­y with him. ‘I’ve always been Bobby,’ he said at the time. ‘I expect my friends will still call me that.’

Not that he wasn’t thrilled. ‘This is the best thing that has ever happened to me, better than winning the World Cup,’ he declared. From that all-conquering 1966 team, only Sir Geoff Hurst now survives. Yesterday he called Sir Bobby ‘one of the greats and a great colleague and friend who will be sorely missed by all of the country’.

Dementia clouded Sir Bobby’s final years – as it had his brother, England teammate Jackie, who died in 2020 aged 85.

‘It is with great sadness that we share the news that Sir Bobby passed peacefully in the early hours of Saturday morning,’ said a statement from his family, who were with him at the end. They ‘thanks to everyone who has contribute­d to his care and for the many people who have loved and supported him’.

Sir Bobby played 758 games for Manchester United between 1954 and 1973, scoring 249 goals and winning many of the game’s glittering prizes.

The club hailed him a giant of the game and a hero to millions, ‘not just in Manchester, or the United Kingdom, but wherever football is played around the world’.

It added that ‘he was admired as much for his sportsmans­hip and integrity as he was for his outstandin­g qualities as a footballer’.

In later years, as a long-serving club director, Sir Bobby fought to bring Sir Alex to Old Trafford.

‘His unparallel­ed record of achievemen­t, character and service will be forever etched in the history of Manchester United and English football,’ added United.

‘His legacy will live on through the life-changing work of the Sir Bobby Charlton Foundation. The club’s heartfelt sympathies are with his wife, Lady Norma, his daughters and grandchild­ren, and all who loved him.’ Friends said Lady Norma was her husband’s rock. ‘She’s an unbelievab­le person and that is a great partnershi­p,’ Sir Alex once said of the couple.

Sir Bobby scored 49 times for his country, a tally surpassed by Wayne Rooney in 2015. Most of his memorable goals were shots from outside the penalty area.

His footballin­g mentor Jimmy Murphy, Manchester United mangave

ager Sir Matt Busby’s assistant, advised him: ‘Don’t look up, just hit it low and as hard as you can in the general direction – if you don’t know where it is going, nor does the goalkeeper.’

His record for the most England goals scored at Wembley was toppled by Harry Kane only last week, in the 3-1 win over Italy. Kane scored twice to take his tally to 24. Sir Bobby netted 23 times at the national stadium.

He was born in 1937 in Ashington, a Northumber­land mining village famous for its steep rows of hillside terraced houses. Sir Bobby’s grandfathe­r was a street bookie and his father Bob, a miner.

Though his upbringing was humble – shared beds and bathwater – it was also idyllic, at least to young Bobby. There were visits to Newcastle and Sunderland football grounds with his brother Jackie whenever money allowed. And there was delight when his mother Cissie cooked a rabbit caught by the family’s whippet.

Football was in his genes. Four of his mother’s brothers were profession­als and his mother’s cousin was the great Newcastle United centreforw­ard Jackie Milburn.

It was clear from an early age that Bobby was a natural. He played in every representa­tive team for which he was eligible, including England Schoolboys. The junior school also provided him with his first complete football strip, made by a teacher from wartime blackout material.

As a youth, he kept fit running on the sand dunes and round the wartime concrete bunkers on the coastline. His great German rival Franz Beckenbaue­r would later say he had the ‘lungs of a horse’.

Among the tributes yesterday was one from the Prince of Wales, who is president of the FA. He described Sir Bobby as ‘a true great who will be remembered for ever’.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: ‘Very sad to hear of the death of Sir Bobby Charlton. He has a place in history as one of the game’s greatest players and was hugely loved.’

Labour leader Keir Starmer said Sir Bobby ‘effortless­ly combined his legendary skill on the pitch with being a tireless ambassador for the game off it’.

Wayne Rooney, who broke Sir Bobby’s goal-scoring records for both Manchester United and England, said: ‘He was a legend but more importantl­y a great human being.

‘He was always great with me during our many conversati­ons about football and different things in life. He was a huge inspiratio­n to me and a lot of players at United. It is a loss to football and his family.’

Former Manchester United star Rio Ferdinand wrote on X, formerly Twitter: ‘Sir Bobby... Icon, Legend, Great! These words are thrown around by all of us to many who 100 per cent don’t deserve them, especially when you compare them to man of Sir Bobby’s calibre.’

But perhaps the greatest accolade came from Sir Matt Busby, who once said of his midfield maestro: ‘It was a privilege to have him play for you.’

 ?? ?? LEGEND: Sir Bobby at the unveiling of a stand named in his honour at Old Trafford in 2016
LEGEND: Sir Bobby at the unveiling of a stand named in his honour at Old Trafford in 2016

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