The Mail on Sunday

£16 bn of Scottish wind blown away

Green power is going to waste because it cannot be sent south of border

- By Joanne Hart

THE UK is set to waste more than £16billion this decade after regulatory and planning failures have left Scotland producing more wind power than can be transmitte­d down South.

The cost, calculated by thinktank Carbon Tracker, is expected to find its way into higher electricit­y bills for cash-strapped households and businesses.

The problem arises because, although the UK is a wind superpower, there are not enough cables to take renewable electricit­y from Scotland, where most of it is produced, to England, where most of it is needed.

When bottleneck­s arise, wind farms are paid to switch off their turbines, and gas stations in England are paid extra to supply the necessary electricit­y.

The system, known as curtailmen­t, cost more than £700million in 2023, with a further £140million spent in January and February of this year alone.

But costs are expected to shoot up, as offshore wind farms continue to grow, while cable constructi­on remains mired in long drawn-out approval processes.

‘Wind curtailmen­t could grow five-fold by 2030, costing £3.5 billion and wasting electricit­y equivalent to the annual consumptio­n of more than 5million households,’ says Lorenzo Sani of Carbon Tracker.

The price tag stems primarily from payments to gas providers, which have already made almost £1.5billion by making sure Britain can keep the lights on when transmissi­on cables cannot cope with Scottish wind.

Planning failures do not just hit UK purse-strings however. They also mean that enormous amounts of green power – up to 20 per cent in some months – is replaced by fossil fuels. Moves to address the problem are under way.

Last week, regulator Ofgem said it would fast-track a socalled ‘electricit­y superhighw­ay’ between Scotland and England with an additional £2billion in funds. The proposed subsea cables could transport wind-generated electricit­y between East Lothian and County Durham.

And earlier this year, ESO, the electricit­y system operator, unveiled Beyond 2030, a £58billion plan to ensure power can be transporte­d more effectivel­y around the UK in future. Beyond 2030 estimates that electricit­y demand will be 65 per cent higher in 2035 than it is today, fuelled by a growing reliance on electric cars and heating.

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