The Mail on Sunday

Did Charles’s ex-aide help smooth way for Meghan’s new PR man?


FOUR years after turning their back on Britain, have Prince Harry and Meghan taken the first tentative steps to finding a bridge between them and the Royal Family?

I can reveal the couple’s new PR man in the UK and Europe is linked to one of the King’s most trusted former advisers – and insiders predict the connection may help the Sussexes rebuild their tattered relationsh­ip with the Palace.

Charlie Gipson was last week appointed as UK director of communicat­ions for their charitable foundation Archewell. The move came four years after they swore never to engage with the British press again.

He is a protege of Julian Payne, who was head of communicat­ions for Charles when he was Prince of Wales, and who maintains close ties with the King. Only last month Julian was at an event at Highgrove for the charity founded by Charles in his role as a trustee for the King’s Foundation.

Julian stepped back from Clarence House in January 2021, having worked there during the tumultuous Megxit period, and is now boss of crisis management firm Edelman. Charlie, 41, was employed by Edelman until joining Archewell, and Julian is said to rate him highly. There is even some suggestion that Julian played a part in helping secure the appointmen­t, but last night he played that down, telling me: ‘I’ll talk to anybody if they want some input and advice on what life in the Royal Household is like and what a fantastic privilege it is, but he hasn’t asked me, and I wouldn’t interpose myself.’ A source who knows Charlie adds: ‘Julian can be really useful for Charlie, who doesn’t have many connection­s yet from that world. Perhaps between them, Julian and Charlie can smooth everything over because of these mutual connection­s. Charlie is talented – but he is several rungs down the ladder. ‘I think there’s such an obvious royal link with Julian to make use of.’

In his new post, Charlie will report to Meghan and Harry’s new US spokesman Kyle Boulia.

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