The National (Scotland)

Tory MPs will be punished by voters if they back


CONSERVATI­VE MPs in the north-east of Scotland who back the windfall tax extension will be punished at the General Election, Humza Yousaf said yesterday.

The First Minister accused the Scottish Tories – including leader Douglas Ross and UK Government energy minister Andrew Bowie – of selling out the region.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced in his Budget earlier this week that the levy on oil and gas profits will be extended by a further 12 months to 2029.

Ross and Bowie have both criticised the decision, with the former – who is the MP for Moray – stating he will vote against the extension in the House of Commons.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said he retains confidence in his Energy Minister Bowie, after the West Aberdeensh­ire and Kincardine MP later clarified his support for the Budget. Scottish Secretary Alister Jack also told the PA news agency on Thursday he does not think Bowie would vote against the extension, adding: “If you are a Government minister, you vote with the Government.”

Speaking yesterday, Yousaf criticised the comment, adding a vote for the extension will be a “betrayal” of the north east.

He told press: “All of the Scottish Conservati­ves, Andrew Bowie included, have clearly sold out the north-east.

“Andrew Bowie has done it so he can keep his ministeria­l car and ministeria­l salary. He will need to explain that to the electorate come the General Election.

“He can bet everything that we will certainly be reminding every single person in the north-east about what is frankly a betrayal of the north east from the UK Government.

“We don’t oppose windfall tax. We actually support a windfall tax, one of the first parties to be calling for a windfall tax.

“But we don’t agree with raiding the north-east for a tax cut of £1500, or Labour’s position of raiding the north east so they can spend money

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