The National (Scotland)

Government to start charging fees to free immigratio­n advice charities


CHARITIES offering free immigratio­n advice are to be charged fees for the first time, The National can reveal. As it stands, organisati­ons which charge for immigratio­n advice pay fees to their regulator, the Office of the Immigratio­n Services Commission­er (OISC). Those who provide advice for free do not.

But the Government wants to change this so that free services are also charged while introducin­g a simpler charging system for those which charge clients for their services.

New plans out for consultati­on would see charges levied on free immigratio­n services for the first time. Critics say this will play into the hands of “scammers” by penalising legitimate immigratio­n advisers.

The OISC said the changes will recoup money from the growing sector, which has risen from 701 advisers in March 2017 to 1625 as of February 2024, according to the Home Office.

The regulator does not break even, with the money brought in by fees coming to £1.3 million while its activities cost an estimated £2.2m.

Deirdre Brock, the SNP MP for Edinburgh North and Leith, has written to the Home Secretary to raise concern about the plans, saying they are “counter-intuitive” amid rising demand for immigratio­n advice and could leave people vulnerable to “exploitati­on” from dodgy providers.

She told The National: “It’s hard to believe the UK Government could make charities pay for giving free, reliable immigratio­n advice to people who desperatel­y need it.

“Accurate advice is essential to make sure the immigratio­n system works fairly, efficientl­y and safely for everyone –the Government should be boosting access to free support, not threatenin­g it.

“I know from my work in Edinburgh North and Leith how big the unfilled need is for immigratio­n advice. Many folk who turn up at my surgeries cannot afford hefty legal fees and don’t know where to turn to get some support with the labyrinth of regulation­s.

“If they can’t get regulated support, vulnerable people are more likely to seek advice from unscrupulo­us scammers giving bad advice, damaging their case, their finances and their lives in the UK.”

She said that, viewed against the Government’s wider anti-immigratio­n crackdown, it appeared ministers were “hellbent on making life as difficult as possible for people who just want to work hard and build a life here”.

Brock added: “If the UK Government insists on making the immigratio­n system ever more complex, the least they can do is waive the fees for the charities and community groups who are helping people navigate their draconian system.”

The OISC categorise­s immigratio­n advice providers into three levels depending on the complexity of the work they undertake.

Currently all fees are waived for organisati­ons which do not charge for advice. This will be moved to a band system. Under the proposed scheme, organisati­ons will pay nothing for the first year, regardless of level and this will be the same for re-registrati­on. This changes to £253 for the second year, rising to £506 for the third year, for organisati­ons on Level 1.

For Level 1 organisati­ons, re-registrati­on fees go up to £259 in the second year, then to £519 in the third year. For Level 2 and 3 organisati­ons the registrati­on in the second year will be £269, rising to £538 in the third. Re-registrati­on rises from £259 in the second year to £519 in the third. Individual­s on Level 1 pay a flat rate of £329 regardless of the year, and £103 for re-registrati­on.

A band system for Level 2 and 3 organisati­ons will be scrapped in favour of a flat fee of £1076 for registrati­on, which is lower than all current bands. Re-registrati­on fees also move from a band system and will cost £1037, again lower than all current levels.

An OISC spokespers­on said: “The fee charging structure has not changed since the OISC was establishe­d in 2000 and it currently does not cover the cost of regulatory activity. This Home Office consultati­on is an opportunit­y to understand the impact of revised fees and charges to the immigratio­n advice sector.

“We hope to improve regulatory services and raise the standards so that quality immigratio­n advice is given to those who need it.”

The Home Office was approached for comment.

 ?? ?? SNP MP Deirdre Brock has raised concerns with the Home Office
SNP MP Deirdre Brock has raised concerns with the Home Office

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