The National (Scotland)

LibDems to table motion of no confidence in


THE LibDems are to table a motion of no confidence in the UK Government in a bid to force a June election. Ed Davey’s MPs will demand a vote on the Tory government after the party won more seats than the Conservati­ves at last week’s local elections.

The draft text of the motion reads “that this House has no confidence in His Majesty’s Government”.

If Rishi Sunak were to lose the vote he would then go to the King and ask for parliament to be dissolved, triggering a General Election.

But the move will most probably fail, given that the Liberal Democrats appear certain not to have the numbers to topple the Government. At least 24 Tory MPs would need to vote for the motion for it to pass, and the Conservati­ves still have a working majority of 47 despite defections, expulsions and by-election defeats.

In a statement, LibDem leader Davey said: “These local elections showed the country has had enough of Rishi Sunak and his out-of-touch Conservati­ve government.

“The Conservati­ves were pushed into third place for the first time in a generation as Liberal Democrats swept the board in former true blue heartlands. Yet Sunak continues to desperatel­y cling on to power, holed up in Downing Street until the bitter end.

“Conservati­ve MPs need to wake up and smell the coffee, and back giving the country the election it so desperatel­y wants and needs.

“The longer this appalling government stumbles on, the worse it is for the NHS, people’s living standards and our environmen­t.”

It is unclear whether Speaker Lindsay Hoyle will select the amendment or whether other parties would back a LibDem motion.

Parliament last voted on a motion

Tory MPs need to wake up and smell the coffee

of adversaria­l politics we battle against. Unfortunat­ely, like many other politician­s, I have had death threats and one was themed in the same way. That imagery, coupled with personal threats – like those I’ve sadly experience­d this week – highlights the urgent need for a political environmen­t where respect and civility are paramount.

Encouragin­g participat­ion in politics, especially among women, remains a significan­t challenge. The call for thicker skins often translates to a harsher, more alienating political landscape, one where empathy and accessibil­ity are sidelined.

As we envision an independen­t Scotland, we must foster a political culture that is not only inclusive but also supportive and nurturing.

John Swinney’s vision for unity and his proven ability to govern with both sensitivit­y and strength can guide us toward this goal.

We can rally behind John, knowing that each of us has a distinct role

 ?? ?? John Swinney’s vision for unity and his proven ability to govern with both sensitivit­y and strength will foster a political culture of respect and civility
John Swinney’s vision for unity and his proven ability to govern with both sensitivit­y and strength will foster a political culture of respect and civility

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