The National (Scotland)

Regan seems to have had an irony bypass



Ash Regan: We need less self-indulgent political pantomime and more stability

When Ash voted with the Unionists against the government what was that if not a prime example of self-indulgent political pantomime? Had she voted with the government, she would certainly have offered more stability.

Further, she states that it is still possible that the SNP leadership could sneak the Greens in the back door. Who sneaked Alba in the back door? Is Ash Regan incapable of seeing the irony in her article?

Katie Mack

Ash seems to have had an irony bypass.

Andrew Pearson

A performati­ve vote by Alba to bring down the pro-independen­ce Scottish Government would seem to be nothing if not pantomime. It was the epitome of self-indulgent game-playing.

I am sure very quickly we will be hearing allegation­s of the SNP bringing the Greens in by the back door because with the three Unionist parties viewing everything through the lens of preserving the Union, the Greens are the only party the SNP will be reliably able to do business with, because as with Ash Regan’s letter, support for minority government comes at a price. Alan Thompson

Ash. Thank you for clarifying that you and Alba would rather side with the Unionists on “performati­ve” grounds than support independen­ce. There is nothing more to say. Jean Dunlop

That is not what she did or said here, Jean. Because the Scottish Government was unwilling to treat amicably another independen­ce party in order to advance unity within the whole Yes movement rather than just the SNP, a massive opportunit­y has been lost.

How on earth could she have backed the SNP government and party in those circumstan­ces? You agree that it’s better to destroy the Scottish people’s hopes yet again than to make the effort to reach out and unify the whole movement.

Humza and the SNP would have gone down in history as the saviours they would have been. Instead, they will go down in history as the stupidest independen­ce party in the history of the planet. Their numbers will crash this year and they will be wiped out in 2026. Stupidity is as stupidity does.

Lorna Campbell

Ironic in the extreme! This from the person who was elected as an SNP MSP, stood for election as leader of the party, then promptly switched allegiance to a rival party when she didn’t win! Jacquie Tosh

Ash, this reads well. But it doesn’t chime well with your choice to vote against the government rather than abstain in the VONC. What are we to believe, your words or your actions?

Harry Sillitto

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