The National (Scotland)

Doctors ‘fearful of toxic gender debate’, review author tells MSPs

Some young people turning to ‘higher-risk actions’ due to the health system failing them, Cass says


GENDER-QUESTIONIN­G children experienci­ng “distress” are being passed to identity clinics because many doctors are “fearful” of the toxic debate, the author of the Cass Review told a Holyrood committee.

Dr Hilary Cass appeared before the Scottish Parliament’s Health Committee yesterday to give evidence on her study into gender services in England.

The publicatio­n of the review saw NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS Lothian pause the prescripti­on of puberty blockers to new patients.

Cass told the committee children were accessing hormone replacemen­t medication­s in an unregulate­d way “a lot more than we would wish”, primarily because of significan­t waiting times for children to be seen by the Gender Identity Developmen­t Service (Gids) south of the Border.

Scottish Labour MSP Paul Sweeney asked about the wider harms of children across the UK waiting up to four years to be assessed at a gender dysphoria clinic, querying whether children were “self-medicating” due to physical, psychologi­cal and social distress.

Cass said “major shortfalls” in adolescent mental health services were a key driver in the issue, leading to some young people taking “higherrisk actions”. But she also expressed concern around the “fearfulnes­s” of medical practition­ers who do not know how to treat the complexiti­es of the gender dysphoria some children are presenting with, as well as the toxicity around the debate.

She told the committee: “The young people are in a state of distress and they’re not getting any support for that. And they only have available advice from the internet or peer support groups. It’s inevitable they’re going to take what we would deem as higher-risk actions and I can understand that because they’re often in a situation where the care provided by the health system is failing them.

“I think there is another big problem which is fearfulnes­s amongst healthcare practition­ers.

“These young people are more disadvanta­ged than other similarly distressed young people, certainly in England, because people have been bypassing them. Somebody comes and says they’re gender questionin­g and health profession­als feel nervous because they don’t think they’ve got the skills, they’re worried about the toxicity of the debate, they’re worried about saying or doing the wrong thing, so they’re passing them straight through to the Gids waiting list.”

The Holyrood committee is assessing whether the full recommenda­tions of the Cass Review, including the creation of a “follow-through service” for those aged 17-25, should be implemente­d in Scotland.

The Scottish Tories will lead a debate on the issue today. Deputy leader Meghan Gallacher said: “SNP ministers have let down vulnerable young Scots with their ducking, dithering and buck-passing on gender care in the wake of the Cass Review.

“They insisted the decision to pause puberty blockers to new patients was made solely by clinicians, refused to confirm whether they will implement any of the 32 Cass recommenda­tions and failed to address the cuts to gender care services.”

A Scottish Government spokespers­on said: “The Cass Review is a comprehens­ive and valid scientific document. In line with NHS England – for whom the report was commission­ed – we are considerin­g all of the recommenda­tions.

“A multi-disciplina­ry clinical team within the office of the chief medical officer in the Scottish Government – including people with paediatric, pharmacy and scientific expertise – is leading this work. The chief medical officer will provide a written update to Parliament on the outcome of that clinical considerat­ion process before the summer recess.”

 ?? ?? Dr Hilary Cass gave evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Health Committee on her study into gender services in England
Dr Hilary Cass gave evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Health Committee on her study into gender services in England

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