The National (Scotland)

Many Scots will back Forbes as deputy FM


Scots ‘concerned’ to see Kate Forbes in government, Greens say

Delighted to see Kate Forbes as Deputy First Minister and I suspect that Patrick Harvie might be surprised to find that “many Scots” will NOT be concerned to see her in this role.

She’s young, she’s bright and she has the talent to go far in Scottish politics. She’s as entitled to her religious beliefs as everyone else in this society – the narrow views of others should not be allowed to hinder her.

Katie Mack

Not concerned, delighted! Kate Forbes is an inspired choice for Deputy First Minister. Congratula­tions, DFM Forbes! Thom Muir

Scots should be concerned that the Greens get any way close to influencin­g the parliament and policy, a busted flush with totally unworkable green ambition, uncosted green policies which jeopardise the budget of Scotland.

All for saving the planet, but a realistic ambition is what Scotland needs, not gender politics and cycle lanes no-one uses. It’s Scotland, it’s dark and cold two-thirds of the year, why would you want to get on your bike? Maybe just the Greens should get on their collective bike!

Andrew Gordon

Hmm. Not really their call. Kate is popular in the country, particular­ly in the Highlands, and Scotland is still a democracy. Time for grown-ups in the Cabinet. The Greens will get a rude reality check in the next Holyrood elections, I suspect. No more SNP second votes. If they’d remained a single-issue environmen­tal party and not become culture warriors they would have much wider support. Harry Sillitto

I’m not concerned – I’m delighted. She’s one of the brightest MSPs we have. She will add some fire and dynamism to Swinney’s measured statements. Robert Fraser

Robert, as a woman I don’t doubt her ability at all, but it wouldn’t be your body autonomy she might seek to limit.

I Easton

I am totally not concerned. On the contrary, I’m delighted. She might help the SNP recapture the political middle, which is maybe not where progressiv­e politics are, but where progress is reached.

B Campbell

Of course Patrick Harvie is right to be concerned and for the very reasons he gives, but we live in a democracy and it is the will of parliament that counts most.

So long as bigoted MSPs are kept out of the top job then we must accept that they are able to play their role within the strictures of democratic society and never able to turn back to the days before progress was made on equality.

Gordon Mulholland

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