The Non-League Football Paper

Blame career refs for the game’s ills


AS the FA announce another get-tough disciplina­ry campaign – a remould of the risibly failed ‘Respect’ one – I spare no apologies in saying most referees are to blame for the games demise in standards of behaviour.

Ignore the top Level 1 referees, they will be, as they have always been, a law unto themselves. What they have let players and managers get away with over the years is no example to lesser mortals.

Which brings me on to most referees on the Non-League circuit. A majority are like MPs in the recent referendum; careerists whom put themselves above principle.They are referees whom have and will abandon all their liberties in order to augment a higher club mark.

It is not rocket science that when a referee takes appropriat­e action, he or she is vilified by clubs and leagues in terms of a low mark for the game – and that’s for doing their job properly.

Too many referees are sycophants to the scores of Neandertha­l players and managers that besmirch this beautiful game. They are on too familiar terms with those people such as first names, and giving the benefit of a massive doubt with their reputation­s.

Referees want to be all things to all men and women. Unfortunat­ely, there will always be repercussi­ons with that attitude.

Leagues are so PC nowadays.They have the power to deduct points for bad behaviour but never do. Nobody has got the intellect or strength of character to implement these measures because they are not easy prey.

I was dropped from a league last season for putting on my referees match card ‘Both teams were all wind and p**s’ – I rest my case!

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