The Non-League Football Paper



THE arrival of new Wealdstone chairman Peter Marsden has seen the club’s playing budget increase by ten per cent.

And the timing couldn’t be better for long-serving maanger Gordon Bartlett, who accepts he hasn’t quite got the balance right so far. Injuries and unavailabi­lity have really hampered the Stones in pre-season.

Eight players were missing for Tuesday’s 1-0 win over Staines Town and, with the season only six days away, the boss has his eyes on adding more players.

“There’s an air of confidence about the place, but for whatever reason that has not transmitte­d into games this summer,” the 60-year-old said.

“The fact that Peter has come in has given us all fresh impetus.

“We needed it. I needed that kick and the fact that we’ll have a bit of a budget increase is a positive sign and shows we’re trying to move forward. ”The manager has an injury headache ahead of the first day of the season when the Stones travel to Dartford.

“I could do without it,” he added. “We’ve added five, but I think now we may need another two.The goal is to progress next year.

“We’ve finished 11th in our first season at this level and 13th last year.

“Let’s get back into the top half and, if we can make a solid start, take things from there.

“We’re looking forward to it. We’re going with a small squad so we’ll need luck along the way for sure.”

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