The Non-League Football Paper

Media relations aren’t the same


I READ with interest Alex Narey’s ‘Let’s not follow Jose’s example’ (NLP, August 25) and fully endorse how the written press has changed and somewhat marginalis­ed nowadays, completely governed by the club press officers.

Many years ago, the club’s local reporter and one of the nationals was an integral part of all proceeding­s. More importantl­y had great relationsh­ips with the manager.

Good examples of this in the profession­al game include Sir Alex Ferguson and Bob Cass of the Daily Mail, Brian Clough and John Sadler of The Sun. The was so much mutual respect for each other.

Another great example was the story of Sir Alf Ramsey and his secret night visit to a Fleet Street pal. Was Jimmy Greaves on his mind? Whilst a player at Tottenham he struck up a firm friendship with the News

of The World’s chief football reporter Reg Drury, who at the time worked for the local paper. Mr Ramsey was of course the manager of England, who three days later would be contesting the World Cup Final!

A similar scenario would be impossible today. For starters, a modern national manager could not afford a similar relationsh­ip with a member of the media, let alone walking down the London streets unchalleng­ed!

Nowadays, it is always a press conference rather than a phone call to the manager. Press conference­s can sometimes turn in to a farce – who can forget Louis Van Gaal hitting the written press with stats on Sam Allardyce’s team? The face on the Manchester United press officer was a picture as she gave them out.


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