The Non-League Football Paper

Nature will take its course, eventually

- Chris Gay, Secretary, Chertsey Town FC

I NOW have a greater understand­ing of the word ‘infinity.’ Currently it is the number of opinions and solutions aired for the resolution of Steps 1-6.

We are in a unique situation which has promoted the blossoming of so many ‘off the park’ experts, like those giving it all ‘on the park’ when football is in progress. It is therefore little wonder so much opinion abounds at present.

With decades of frontline Non-League club involvemen­t behind me, I am fully tamed in accepting that football is deeply mired in the world of rough justice. The recent decision to halt and expunge the season is probably the ‘Judge Dread’ of all rough justice.

Personally, I am not surprised how commentato­rs have lashed out at the decision. I can only write from a club secretary’s perspectiv­e, but I know how the mass of emails requesting informatio­n and opinion from the powers-that-be counters the criticism of how this unpreceden­ted situation has been tackled from that quarter.

Too many self-centred stances are being aired, much with shallow reasoning, although it should be understood that all clubs have their own unique pressures which jar against the interests of others.

I feel gutted for clubs that clearly would have been promoted, and it would be great if they took a view on that decision; there still is time.

Otherwise, those pressing for a premature resumption are beginning to sound more like the courtiers of King Canute; he who had to demonstrat­e that the sea’s tide could not be pushed back by man alone.

Nature is having its way at the moment. This has produced more rough justice than usual on us clubs; it is horrible.

However, let’s have a dose of reality here, and one of proportion.

Those are two notions that will surely eventually kick in, even if it does take a couple of years to mature.

 ?? PICTURE: Mike Swift ?? BEFORE THE STORM: Chertsey’s Jonathan Hippolyte, right, celebrates with Bryan Taylor
PICTURE: Mike Swift BEFORE THE STORM: Chertsey’s Jonathan Hippolyte, right, celebrates with Bryan Taylor

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