The Non-League Football Paper


Albion chief backs FA decision

- By Steven Oldham

WITTON ALBION chairman John Salmon believes the decision to end the season was a no-brainer – and promises fans his club will survive the Covid-19 crisis.

Salmon’s comments came as nearly 200 clubs joined a campaign led by divisional rivals South Shields to reverse the FA’s decision to declare the season null and void at Steps 3-7.

The BetVictor Northern Premier League season was expunged with Witton mid-table and with little to play for – 14 points behind the play-offs and 10 clear of the drop zone.

He said: “This is a wartime situation – football had to stop. This crisis has escalated so quickly. We can’t continue to play when people are dying in these numbers.”

“As a football man, I understand where South Shields and other clubs are coming from – they have been the standout team all season. The authoritie­s were damned if they do and damned if they didn’t – this is a situation none of us have experience­d in our lives.”


Salmon explained that clubs were looking further up the chain of command for advice about what to do next.

Clubs were looking to the NPL for guidance, who in turn were looking for advice from the FA and Government.

“While the Government have made mistakes in their response, we are seeing the message get through now – the country is pulling together, streets are deserted and just look how quickly the Nightingal­e Hospital was put up.

“We are British, we will get through this.”

While fans naturally may have concern as clubs across the country shut up shop and resign from leagues, Salmon says Witton fans need not worry having reduced the Wincham Road outfit’s losses by approximat­ely £100,000 to £23,000 in less than a year.

Contracted players and staff will be placed on the Government’s furlough scheme. While matchday revenue and social club takings have been lost, Salmon believes his decision to allow fans to donate monthly to the club after taking over last summer will reduce the financial hit.

“We really got a hold of the finances when I took over – I believe we will weather the storm and come out the other side ready for next season. It’s because of this approach we are able to top up the staff on furlough to full pay. ”


“Despite fans having their own money worries at this time, they continue to donate between £25 and £1,000 every month. I cannot thank them enough. Our average gate is around 370 so it really is like a family here. I’ve had people offering to come in and do maintenanc­e jobs voluntaril­y.

“I still have a £1.2m stadium that costs £1,000 a week to run. I have to mention that Northwich

Victoria continue to pay rent for our groundshar­e agreement even though no football can be played.”

In light of the FA’s announceme­nt last week that leagues below Step 7 can be decided on a points-per-game basis, Salmon disagrees that all leagues should take a unilateral decision to do this.

“Ultimately, it’s up to the leagues to decide,” he said. “I have no issues with the FA making this decision. Leagues should be able to make that decision themselves. At that level especially if clubs have invested all season to go up and they’ve won promotion already – it’s unfair to deny them that chance next season.

“I’m no Liverpool fan, but anyone can see it would be very unfair to deny them the title. If clubs have had runs like that, leagues have to make the decision to reward them.”

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