The Non-League Football Paper


- By John Lyons

WINNING promotion to the Football League is something special – and a short film about Mansfield Town’s title success in 2012-13 proves it.

‘The Twelfth Man’ – a ten-minute documentar­y –was the brainchild of London-based filmmaker Will Norman and features his uncle Alan Payton, a lifelong Stags supporter who tells the story of the club’s promotion campaign.

The film explores what it means to be a true football fan and includes the club’s FA Cup fixture against Liverpool – a controvers­ial 2-1 defeat – and their incredible 13-match winning streak.

It also focuses heavily on the crucial last-minute win at Hereford in their penultimat­e match, a victory that paved the way for promotion and dented title rivals Kiddermins­ter’s chances.

“It sounds a bit pretentiou­s, but you are always looking for someone with an interestin­g story or passion,” said Norman, “and my uncle Alan’s passion has always been Mansfield Town. He’s the definition of a true supporter.

“Growing up I was a ‘Chelsea fan’ – my dad started supporting them in 1970 when they played Leeds in the FA Cup final. However, when I went to see my mum’s side of the family I would go to Mansfield games with my uncle. He was the most passionate supporter you could get.

“I followed that season Mansfield went up and went to a few games – Liverpool, Braintree and Wrexham. They were three huge games. I was alongside Alan and I was watching how much it meant to him.

“His life is Mansfield Town and I was trying to show in the film that a lot of stories like this exist all over the country. Clubs are being kept alive by people like Alan, the 12th man who actively supports his team and pushes it forward. It’s what I think is great about a true supporter.”

In the film, there are action clips of some of the key moments from the season, while Payton talks about the highs and lows of following the Nottingham­shire side.

“Five years earlier we’d been relegated and it was a sickening, sad feeling,” said Payton, who has followed the Stags for more than half a century.

“But to experience the highs you have to have had the lows, and, boy, did we enjoy it when we went up.

“The Hereford game was when we knew we were going to be a Football League club again. The pure exhilarati­on from the final minute goal from Matt Green is undescriba­ble. The emotion of the night was unbridled joy.”

When his nephew mentioned the film idea to him, it was no great surprise the 63-year-old IT manager jumped at the opportunit­y to recall that golden season.

“I said I’d give it a go and I enjoyed it,” said Payton. “I haven’t watched it completely because I can’t deal with seeing myself, but I will do. “The reaction has all been positive and if supporters of other teams see it I’m sure it will resonate with them as well.”

As for Norman, he’s also been delighted with the response since the film was released two weeks ago. “I’ve had loads of messages from Stags fans saying how much they’ve enjoyed it and that it sums up everything about the club,” said the 25-yearold. “I think the club were blown away as well and thankful they would have something for their fans missing their football fix to enjoy.

“The players and management from the title-winning team are interactin­g with the film, too. You can see what it means to them.”

Norman says he’s also been won over by Mansfield, now in League Two.

“I’m absolutely a Stags fan,” he said. “I was a Chelsea fan as a kid, but I only went to see them three times. I’ve been going to Stags games since I was ten.

“When (Jose) Mourinho was managing Chelsea for the second time, there were headlines that some of the players would rather lose than win for him. I’m so sick of Premier League players who don’t care and get paid ridiculous sums of money.

“The Premier League just doesn’t seem real, there’s no real connection with the fans. With the Stags, there’s a real connection.”

To watch the full film, go to:

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GLORY DAY: Mansfield skipper Adam Murray lifts the Conference trophy in 2013
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TOP FAN: Alan Payton

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