The Non-League Football Paper

Fresh thinking could prove vital


PAUL Doswell makes a compelling case for now being the time for innovation. The current crisis has hit so many Non-League clubs and there are real fears for what the landscape will look like when football does eventually return.

It’s a really worrying time. Already we’ve seen clubs resign from some of the lower leagues. Who’s to say that won’t be the case higher.

Havant & Waterloovi­lle manager Doswell certainly thinks there could be scenarios where clubs opt to drop down in order to stay afloat.

That’s why, he argues, now is the time to make changes – even if they are only temporary.

There are many different thoughts and ideas. See what you think of Doswell’s on page 10 and get in touch.

Is it still realistic for National League clubs to be travelling the length and breadth of the country, spending thousands of pounds on coaches and trains? Should it be scaled back, particular­ly at this time?

Clubs could potentiall­y find sponsors harder to come by than ever. The likelihood is that nearly every business in the country will be closely counting the pennies in the immediate aftermath.

Doswell doesn’t think it should be all doom and gloom, however, and hopes an idea to regionalis­e for a period of time can aid the game’s bounce back.

The fact is, football is staring into the unknown. As a game, we surely all need to come together to protect as many clubs as we can.

THERE has been so much back and forth over the rights and wrongs of how this season should be concluded at all levels.

As everyone acknowledg­es, there are no easy answers. Whatever the outcome, there will be unhappy parties.

No one saw this coming. The whole game has been in unpreceden­ted territory. But maybe one change that should come out of it is a new law - a disaster rule, so to speak.

If it can be written into the rulebook how a season should be concluded by a certain point, then it will at least be clear. Whether we like it or not.

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