The Non-League Football Paper



THE phased and limited return of spectators in grounds has been a huge breakthrou­gh. A lot of hard work has gone in from a lot of people to lobby the DCMS and the Government. We have worked very hard with DCMS and SGSA to make this happen.

We’re never going to please everybody. Leagues will always have bigger clubs who get more supporters than others. But we started with the process of trying to get fans back in.

The 15 per cent rising to 30 per cent in September is a onesize fits all approach at the moment. We know that’s not what clubs want but we are working on it. This was always a phased return to football with getting fans back through the doors. That means we have to go through a few rounds until we can prove to Government and ourselves, I think - we can operate in an environmen­t that is as safe as it possibly can be.

We’ve had to be patient. We’ve put detailed analysis to the Government to get to where we are. I’m delighted with the way we’ve moved forward and I’m confident those bigger numbers will come.

But we have to take these first steps. Ultimately clubs have to take on the responsibi­lities and do the hard work to make sure their club is safe and follows guidance.

What we don’t need are any incidents where people let in more than they are allowed at the moment. That will set us back, no doubt about it.

So it’s working collective­ly and collaborat­ively to get to where we want to be - the point where the average gates from last season are being satisfied again. We will get there.

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