The Non-League Football Paper


- By Matt Haley

A HISTORIC north-west rivalry was firmly put aside last Saturday when kind-hearted Marine fans helped FC United of Manchester’s campaign to support the local community with food and gifts this Christmas.

Hundreds of items were donated to those in need as fans from Marine’s independen­t supporters’ group, The Crosender Way, answered FC United’s call to help local families who are struggling during the cost-of-living crisis.

The collection, which was organised by FC United and Moston based community group Coalition of Kindness, saw caring fans from both clubs provide tinned food, selection boxes and toys.

And their efforts were all the more impressive given the fans didn’t even have any football to watch as a reward with the NPL Premier Division clash at Broadhurst Park postponed just minutes before kick-off due to ever worsening weather conditions.

Red Rebels board member Matthew Haley said: “We know we can always rely on our amazing supporters to help people who are struggling but we were blown away by the solidarity shown by the visiting Marine fans.

“It was an extremely classy gesture from a fantastic group of supporters. Non-league football at its finest. We’re really grateful and want to say a massive thank you to everyone who donated what they could afford to our local community.”

Michael Holland from The Crosender Way said: “Any way we can help people who are less fortunate than us is a plus. We do regular food banks at our games, so we’re happy to help.

“Hunger has no colours. Rivalry gets put to one side for food banks – at least until the game starts! We have to help any way we can in cities like ours where people are struggling.”

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