The Oban Times

Coll housing project setback but hopes still high


A HOUSING project on Coll, set up to tackle the issue of a lack of affordable homes, has hit a stumbling block after an applicatio­n to purchase land was rejected.

Developmen­t Coll had applied for funding from the Scottish Land Fund (SLF), a body which supports rural communitie­s in owning and managing land and assets.

The SLF rejected the applicatio­n at the start of December after Argyll Community Housing Associatio­n (ACHA), Developmen­t Coll’s partner, failed to commit to the project.

Developmen­t Coll had enlisted the services of an independen­t company for analysis on three sites for housing, having already consulted the commu- nity earlier in the year

During a community consultati­on, the public view was that the need for affordable housing took priority over the location.

Three locations offered were visited by the district valuer and planning officer for Argyll and Bute Council, and following this, two were then taken off the market by the owners, leaving just one option, which was submitted to the SLF.

A spokesman for Developmen­t Coll said: ‘ Whilst this is disappoint­ing, we have received positive feedback that our applicatio­n clearly demonstrat­ed need for housing, we had undertaken a good community engagement exercise and demonstrat­ed community support and benefit. The reason for our rejection was that ACHA did not feel able to commit in writing to partnering with us on this project. The board has invited us to re-apply next year when the next round of funding becomes available. This funding will be more extensive and can include costs for pre- developmen­t. At this time the rural housing funding packages will also be available and this should allow us to be certain about where the funding for developmen­t will come from if we cannot secure the partnershi­p of a housing associatio­n. We thank everyone who has supported this project, in particular the housing group, and we look forward to taking this project forward.

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