The Oban Times

Claire hits high notes with competitio­n win


A BUSINESS case for a new agricultur­al supply co- operative on Mull has won third year SRUC Agricultur­e Honours student and local resident Claire Simonetta, 24, from Ulva Ferry, a study trip to Ireland.

Together with colleague Fraser Graham, from Hollybush near Ayr, who is also studying at the Ayr campus of Scotland’s Rural College, they entered their joint course work in a competitio­n organised by Scotland’s co- operative support organisati­on SAOS.

Claire is no stranger to competitio­n wins. In 2015 she won high praise and the prestigiou­s annual Agriscot Business skills competitio­n, collecting £1,000. This latest success, which will involve visits in June to agricultur­al co- operatives around Cork, is the result of a case study proposing a solution to some of the agricultur­al supply issues surroundin­g island crofts and farms including the 3,200 hectare Torloisk beef and sheep farm she lives on with partner Iain Mackay and which formed the focus of the report.

From a central depot, the proposed non-profit ‘Mull Farm Supply Co- op’ would be able to co- ordinate and store bulk orders for inputs like animal feed or lime, something which has not been spread on the island for some years. The students’ plan notes a recent increase in weather-related ferry cancellati­ons and the fact that many farming businesses are too small to justify bulk deliveries but too big to rely on the small 25 kg bags ordered through delivery services.

‘We believe a locally managed co- op, with an elected board of directors, would help improve communicat­ion and the understand­ing of what Mull farmers and crofters need during any season,’ said Claire. ‘It would not only help the existing suppliers but offer opportunit­ies to supply other services. Our plan envisages an initial membership investment of between £200 and £ 5,000 which entitles them to a vote, with any profit not retained to build the business passed back in the form of interest paid to the members, according to their initial commitment and use of the services.’ From Switzerlan­d, Claire Simonetta originally trained in opera singing, but after visiting Scotland for the first time she found the culture and people Scotland made it the perfect place to settle.

Several jobs within agricultur­al businesses and organisati­ons in Scotland and Wales also confirmed that agricultur­e was for her and she enrolled at SRUC.

 ??  ?? Claire Simonetta. a21srucMul­l01no
Claire Simonetta. a21srucMul­l01no

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