The Oban Times

Union talks Brexit with Leadsom


THE IMPORTANCE of protecting and maintainin­g Scotland’s unique farming industry in the Brexit negotiatio­ns has been highlighte­d at NFU Scotland’s first meeting with the UK government’s Secretary of State for Environmen­t, Food and Rural Affairs, Andrea Leadsom.

At the constructi­ve meeting, held at the NFUS offices near Edinburgh last Wednesday (November 2), union representa­tives outlined the importance of engaging and consulting with all parts of the UK and all sectors of the food and farming industries as the UK government formulates its position ahead of the UK’s exit from the EU.

Union office-holders highlighte­d the importance to Scotland of securing a robust trade deal with the EU and other trading partners as this will profoundly influence future agricultur­al and rural policy in Scotland.

Representa­tives pressed for higher trading costs, customs controls, barriers and tariffs to be mitigated in any new trading arrangemen­ts, and sought reassuranc­es that Scottish provenance, quality and high production standards will be protected.

The union welcomed the positive dialogue with the Secretary of State and will look to build on the discussion through further face-to-face meetings in the weeks and months ahead.

Speaking after the meeting, NFUS president Allan Bowie said: ‘ We welcome the Secretary of State’s inaugural visit and our opportunit­y to cover a lot of important issues in the time we had with her.

‘She is clearly aware of the unique challenges that our Scot- tish industry will face in the next few years and we were encouraged by her straight talking and willingnes­s to engage. We have confidence that she is someone who we can work with to capitalise on the opportunit­ies that Brexit can bring to Scotland.

‘As a union, we look forward to working positively and constructi­vely with her and her department over the coming weeks and months, as we enter a hugely important period for the future for our sector.

‘That engagement is crucial. In Scotland, agricultur­al production is just the start of a supply chain which underpins a successful food and drinks sector, which has grown into the biggest manufactur­ing industry that we have. Farming and crofting in Scotland not only produce the vital raw materials necessary for our food and drink manufactur­ers, but does so in a manner that works with nature, delivering huge environmen­tal and biodiversi­ty benefits.

‘It also abundantly clear the degree to which a profitable farming sector underpins the whole rural economy, maintainin­g fragile communitie­s in Scotland’s most marginal areas.

‘That is why we were keen to impress on the Secretary of State our desire to see agricultur­e at the heart of Brexit negotiatio­ns.

‘There are opportunit­ies ahead for our industry that can be realised if we secure the right trading arrangemen­ts with Europe; prioritise the countries for which we want to secure new trade deals; ensure we continue to have access to employees to meet our labour needs and have a domestic agricultur­al policy that prioritise­s production.’

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