The Oban Times

Social media


Our article highlighti­ng details of a Trump rally held in Oban last Thursday evening attracted a lot of comment for and against... James McCulloch did not think much

of the move: How about protesting something that concerns Oban, like the bin collection­s for crying out loud. what a waste of time. Oban Times, it’s not a ‘Muslim Ban’, if it was do you not think Indonesia would be on the list as well as a few other countries? And John DM Kerr agreed: Unbelievab­le that the people in oban can

organise a protest in Oban about an American non issue but our streets are in darkness and our bins are over flowing and they do nothing??

Vincent Thomas Muir said: What in the name of the wee manl!!! Don’t we all have enough to do taking care of your OWN problems? It’s not like we are part of the United States. Live our own lives and deal with our own country’s problems before involving ourselves in theirs! Donald Morris replied to him: You may have noticed that the actions in other countries affect this one. For example, when the UK went into Iraq and caused nothing but death and destructio­n, there was another nation involved. Do you remember?

Jo Pagan said: I can’t believe a lot of these comments!! So sad that the bigger picture can’t be seen. Wow, let’s all worry about our litter and just be grateful that we are not being threatened with murder and rape on a daily basis and can’t actually escape. Oh to be white and born in Oban, let’s forget the rest of the world.

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