The Oban Times

Oban’s firstWest Coast Whisky Fèis


The resort town of Oban, home to one of Scotland's most venerated distilleri­es, is to be the location for a new whisky festival celebratin­g the water of life.

The West Coast Whisky Fèis will take place in July of this year, and is the brainchild of Oban Whisky and Fine Wines, a local retailer of the spirit.

Euan Finlayson, proprietor of Oban Whisky and Fine Wines, said, 'We wanted to create an event that shows off the incredible whiskies that the west coast has to offer. The aim is to offer a range of whiskies and masterclas­ses that can appeal to newcomers and aficionado­s alike.'

The main venue for the event will be Skipinnish Cèilidh House and will feature exhibits from every distiller from the Firth of Clyde to the Isle of Lewis. Ticket holders will be given their own dram glass and will be able to take samples from all of the exhibitors who are present. Water will be available to allow people to cleanse their palates between tasting.

In addition, Oban Distillery will be holding masterclas­ses. These will be based around their

world famous whiskies. Other masterclas­ses will be available on the day. The other exhibitors will be more than happy to have a chat about their produce as well.

Local food producers will be selling their wares in the Cèilidh House should anyone get a bit peckish after a few drams. There will also be a nosing competitio­n where attendees can attempt to identify various whiskies by smell alone. The entrant who is closest to being correct will win a bottle of single malt whisky.

There will be a Fèis shop in the Cèilidh House where attendees can pick up a bottle of whichever whiskies took their fancy during their sampling session. Subsidised delivery will be available for people who don't want to have to lug bottles around with them after they leave.

The Cèilidh House will be open from 12pm to 6pm on 22nd of July 2017. There are likely to be other supporting events during the day which will be announced via the event's Twitter and Facebook feeds closer to the time. Samples are included in the event ticket price and masterclas­ses are available for an additional fee.

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