The Oban Times

Woman fined for assaulting love rival


A 27-YEAR- OLD woman from Tobermory has been fined £400 for assaulting another female after finding her in bed with her ex-partner.

Emma Denovan, of Riverside Court, pleaded guilty to pulling the woman out of bed and throwing her to the floor to her injury.

She also pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatenin­g manner by shouting and swearing and throwing household items – in this case books.

The incident took place in the early hours of October 30, 2016.

Denovan appeared at Oban Sheriff Court on Monday this week.

Eoin McGinty, procurator fiscal, told the court that after Denovan had attended a party, she went to her ex-partner’s parents’ house uninvited.

She got there at around 2am and let herself in. It was then that she saw her ex-partner in bed with another woman.

She then seized her by the hair and threw her to the floor, resulting in the victim’s face being scratched with bruising to her arms and legs.

The victim left and Denovan was asked to leave, which she refused to do. She remained in the house and proceeded to shout, swear and throw a number of books within the room.

Denovan’s solicitor told the court that the relationsh­ip between the man and her had been ‘on and off’ and that they were still together at the time, as far as she was aware. However, they were giving each other some space.

He said that Denovan would regularly let herself into the house and she did not go there thinking that he was with another woman. He added that she regretted her actions and was remorseful.

Sheriff Ruth Anderson fined Denovan £400, which is to be paid within 28 days.

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